Council Services
- Street care and cleansing
- Open Spaces
- Street Pride
- Dog Control - Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
- Pests
- High Hedges
- Drains
- Toilets
- Green Dog Walkers Scheme
- Food Safety: Information for Customers
- Dogs: lost and stray
- Noise, smoke, smell or light problems
- Boat Moorings
- Service Block (March Town Bridge)
- Sewage Treatment Works and Pumping Stations
- Pollution
Council Tax
Council Tax is a form of local taxation. It is charged on all domestic properties and goes towards paying for local services.
- Licensing Public Register
- Licensing Public Consultation
- Taxi Licensing
- Animal Licensing
- Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night refreshment
- Gambling
- House to House Collection
- Pavement Licence
- Street Collecting
- Street Trading
- Scrap Metal Dealer Licence
- Tattooing/Semi Permanent Tattooing, Ear/Body Piercing, Electrolysis and Acupuncture
Report an issue that is affecting you
Pay online for services provided by Fenland District Council
Apply online for Council services
Find out when your bins are collected, who your Councillor is and where your polling station is.