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Site Alert: System Maintenance

Due to system maintenance, our Public Access (planning) and Modern Gov (Councillor, Committee and Meeting info) systems will be unavailable between 1pm and 6pm on Saturday 14th September.

Street lights

Who to contact if you spot a problem with a street light

Cambridgeshire County Council look after most of the street lighting on roads and footpaths within Fenland. This amounts to around 52,000 street lights and 2.500 illuminated bollards. Check if a street light is owned by Cambridgeshire County Council.

We maintain around 1,400 street lights in the district. Some are on behalf of Parish Councils and Clarion Housing Association. Usually they are:

  • along footpaths
  • within towns and villages
  • in our car parks
  • in our leisure centres
  • in parks and open spaces
  • in amenity areas
  • in traveller sites

Report a fault

To report a fault, you need to contact the organisation who owns or manages the lighting unit. You can find out who this is by checking the identification tag on the unit:

Tag informationWho to contactContact details
'DC', 'PC' or 'CH'Fenland District CouncilUse our online form or call 01354 654321 (9am-4pm, Monday-Friday)
'CCC' or a mixture of letters and numbers e.g 'L29CAU'Cambridgeshire County CouncilUse their online form or call 0800 783 8247 (9am-5pm, Monday-Friday)

The relevant Parish Council.

This code is usually found in the Benwick, Doddington, Leverington, Wimblington or Wisbech St Mary Parish Council areas.

The relevant Parish Council
No tag or a single number with no letters

Contact Cambridgeshire County Council for advice.

These codes are usually found in off-street parking areas or on un-adopted roads. The developer or those who 'derive benefit' are usually responsible. 

Use their online form or call 0800 783 8247 (9am-5pm, Monday-Friday)

In emergencies, contact the police. Only do this when a fault is likely to cause severe injury or immediate risk to life. 

We aim to respond to non-urgent faults within 14-28 working days. 

When reporting a fault, please give the:

  • street light number
  • 'asset tag' reference (e.g FDC1, PC1, CCC1)
  • town, parish or village
  • street (or footpath from/to)
  • exact location (e.g outside number 30, between 30/32, opposite 34)
  • problem (lamp out, dim, on in the day, damaged column etc)

Street Light replacement programme

Over the next few years, we will be replacing some street lights we own or manage with energy efficient LED lights. These works will help to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. Priority will be given to the oldest, least energy efficient lights in high use areas.

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