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Site Alert: System Maintenance

Due to system maintenance, our Public Access (planning) and Modern Gov (Councillor, Committee and Meeting info) systems will be unavailable between 1pm and 6pm on Saturday 14th September.

Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night refreshment

Businesses, organisations or people who want to sell or supply alcohol in Fenland need a licence from us

Types of businesses that need alcohol licences include pubs, bars, cinemas, theatres, nightclubs, late-opening cafes, takeaways, village halls and supermarkets. 

Premises Licence

A premise licence is a permanent licence for a specific location

Club Premises Certificate

You need to apply for a club premises certificate if you're a social, sporting or political members club

Personal Licences

Every premise selling or supplying alcohol needs a Personal Licence holder

Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

You need a Temporary Event Notice to carry out a 'licensable activity' in unlicensed premises

Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence and Club Certificate Reviews

Apply for a review to take place or view current applications

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