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Site Alert: System Maintenance

Due to system maintenance, our Public Access (planning) and Modern Gov (Councillor, Committee and Meeting info) systems will be unavailable between 1pm and 6pm on Saturday 14th September.

Equality Impact Assessments

We use Customer (Equality) Impact Assessments (C(E)IAs) to improve services. They're focused on fairness, access and inclusion. Customer impact Assessments help us to consider a policy, service or process in terms of how it might affect different groups protected in law under the Equality Act 2010.

We use EIAs to find and remove barriers in services which might stop people from knowing about the service, using it or getting the best from it. This is part of our legal duty. EIAs also help us to open services up to new groups and make them better. 

Assets, Projects and Transport

Business and Economy

Community Support

Council Tax, Benefits and Business Rates

Elections and Land Charges

Environmental Services


HR and OD



My Fenland


Policy and Communications

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