Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence and Club Certificate Reviews
Apply for a review to take place or view current applications
Current reviews
Notice is given that Fenland District Council, as the Licensing Authority has on 2nd September 2024 received an application from A local Ward Councillor to review the premises licence for the premises known as The Wheatsheaf, 18 - 22 Church Terrace Wisbech Cambridgeshire PE13 1BL.
The grounds for the review are necessary in the interests of: The Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety and The Prevention of Public Nuisance
Anyone wishing to make representations concerning this review should do so in writing to: The Licensing Authority, Fenland District Council, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, Cambs PE15 8NQ or email
Representations to this review must reach the Licensing Authority by 29th September 2024.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application, the maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited.
About Premises Licence and Club Certificate Reviews
The Licensing Act 2003 allows a 'Responsible Authority' or 'Interested Party' to apply to the Licensing Authority for the review of a Premises Licence or a Club Premises Certificate.
An 'Interested Party' is either:
- A person living in the vicinity of the premises; or
- A body (e.g residents association) representing people living in the vicinity; or
- A person involved in a business in the vicinity of the premises; or
- A body (e.g trade association) representing people involved in businesses in the vicinity of the premises
A representation must relate to the specific premises with a Licence or Certificate in force. It must also relate to the Licensing Objectives, which are:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- The protection of children from harm
- The prevention of public nuisance
Being able to request a review gives the community protection where problems relating to crime and disorder, public safety, public nuisance or protection of children from harm are occurring.
It is best for licence holders, authorised persons, interested parties and responsible authorities to work together to meet the Licensing Objectives.
Good practice is for authorised persons and responsible authorities to give licence holders early warning of any concerns and improvements needed at their premises. Failure to respond to these concerns may lead to the request of a review.
Interested parties should consider if their concerns could be effectively dealt with outside of the formal review process.
Making a review
To apply, please complete the application form below. Return it to the Licensing Team by:
- emailing; or
- posting it to Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
Apply for a Review of a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate (Word doc) [101KB]
On the same day you send it to us, you must also send copies to:
- all of the responsible authorities (PDF) [100KB]
- the holder of the Licence or Certificate
Making a representation
Anybody can make a representation relating to a Premises Licence application or a review application. This can be in support or objection.
Please complete the form above and return it to the Licensing Team.
You must ensure it is received by the Licensing Team by the end of the consultation period. This date is given on the public notice.
Licensing Sub-Committee Hearings
A Sub-Committee consists of three members of the Licence Committee. They will consider Licensing Act 2003 matters that are contested and applications for review. Members will not hear applications for a premise in their own ward.
Most licensing hearings are public.
The Licensing Act 2003 explains what actions the Sub-Committee can take. They can make a decision at the end of the hearing or up to five working days afterwards. They may:
- decide that no action is necessary; or
- modify or add conditions to the Licence; or
- exclude a Licensable Activity from the Licence; or
- remove the Designated Premises Supervisor; or
- suspend the Licence (for up to 3 months); or
- revoke the Licence
Appealing a decision
You can appeal against the decision of the Sub-Committee if you are:
- the Applicant
- a Licence Holder
- a Responsible Authority
- an Interested Party
Appeals must go to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of receiving written notification of the Sub-Committee's decision. We suggest getting professional advice before doing this.