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Policies and Strategies

Find out more about how we run our services

Annual Report

Find out how we've worked with residents, partners, businesses and community groups over the past year to deliver priorities outlined within our Business Plan

Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy

This Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy sets out the Council's corporate approach to suspected fraud, theft, corruption and bribery.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

This Policy aims to maintain the high standards of conduct which currently exist within the Council by preventing criminal activity through money laundering.

Business Plan

Our Business Plan sets out the projects we will deliver across Fenland over the next 12 months. Its overall aim is to address social, environmental and economic needs in order to improve the quality of life for local people

CMT and Cabinet

View the Corporate Management Team, Cabinet and Senior Officers at Fenland District Council

Code of Governance

We have a code, with six themes, which helps us to maintain and deliver good governance

Commercial and Investment Strategy

This strategy outlines the types of investment opportunities that are available to us and the benefits they could bring; not just to our organisation, but to the wider district and its residents.

Consultation Strategy

We are committed to involving local people in shaping their area and the services they receive. Our consultation strategy is one of the key ways in which we strive to understand what people value most about the things that affect them.

Corporate Debt Policy

Our Corporate Debt policy explains how we collect debts owed to us and how to contact us to get advice.

Corporate Enforcement Policy

Our Corporate Enforcement Policy explains how we will support businesses and the community to understand and meet regulatory requirements

Creativity and Culture Strategy

A steering group and core group meet monthly to work on plans for our Creativity and Culture Strategy, which was adopted in February 2021. If you have any questions relating to this strategy, please email Jaime-Lea Taylor at

Economic Growth Strategic Refresh

The key role the Council undertakes is to support entrepreneurs, owners and managers when making decisions about how and when to grow or start their business. This refresh sets out how the Council contributes to the decisions made by businesses.

Gambling Policy Statement of Principles

This Gambling Statement of Principles is produced by Fenland District Council under the 2005 Gambling Act and will be the basis for all gambling related licensing decisions taken by the Council as the Licensing Authority.

Housing Enforcement Policy

Our Housing Enforcement Policy explains how we will consistently and fairly enforce housing legislation to raise standards in the private housing sector

Information Sharing Framework

We have signed up to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Information Sharing Framework. This aims to facilitate effective data sharing whilst complying with Data Protection requirements

Productivity Plan

Our Productivity Plan, which has been submitted to Government, explains what we are doing to transform the Council and its services

Rail Development Strategy

Our strategy outlines how we aim to increase community involvement in our local railways, improve our railway stations and lobby for service improvements

Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIPA) Policy

RIPA is the legislation that governs how public bodies can undertake covert surveillance in the detection and prevention of crime

Statement of Licensing Policy

This Statement of Licensing Policy acting as the licensing authority under section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003. It represents the authority's policy with respect to the exercise of it licensing functions for the licensing of the sale and supply of alcohol, certain forms of entertainment and the provision of late-night refreshment

Taxi Policy

This Policy sets out the standard that the Council will use to inform its decisions on applications for licenses, their renewal and consideration of their continuance.

3Cs Policy

This policy explains how Fenland District Council will manage and respond to comments, compliments, correspondence and complaints.

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