Local Green Space Submissions Report
'Local Green Space' (LGS) is a national designation introduced by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Local communities have the opportunity through the development of the Local Plan to identify green areas for special protection that are of particular importance to them.
As part of the Issues & Options consultation (Oct-Nov 2019), communities were invited to nominate important green spaces for designation in the emerging Local Plan.
The 'Local Green Space Submissions Report', available to download from the table below, explains the status of Local Green Spaces, the assessment methodology, and lists the green spaces submitted during the Issues & Options consultation.
Full details of individual site submissions are provided in Appendix 2: LGS Submission - Summary Reports.
Important: At the time of publication (February 2020) no assessment has been carried out. Inclusion of a green space in the report or maps below, does not provide the green space with any additional planning status.
The Council has assessed each nominated green space against all requirements of national policy.
The Local Green Spaces Evidence Report in the table below identifies the proposed sites to be allocated in the Draft Local Plan. The proposed Local Green Spaces are shown on the Policies Map.
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