WorkWell Fenland
Is your health making it difficult for you to work? WorkWell Fenland could be the answer.
WorkWell Fenland is a free service for when you're struggling to find or retain a job due to physical or mental health.
You do not need to be on benefits to access the service. Taking part in the programme is completely voluntary and has no impact on benefits.
Get in touch to find out more. Complete a contact form and we'll get back to you.
Alternatively call us on 01354 654321.
On this page:
- Sign up to WorkWell Fenland
- Who can get WorkWell support?
- How can WorkWell Fenland help?
- What is WorkWell Fenland?
Sign up to WorkWell Fenland
To find out more about WorkWell Fenland, complete a contact form and we'll get back to you.
Alternatively call us on 01354 654321.
Who can get WorkWell support?
You are eligible for WorkWell Fenland if:
- You are aged 16 or over, and
- You have the right to work in the UK, and
- You live in Fenland or are registered with a GP or JobCentre Plus in Fenland, and
- You have a health-related issue that is making it difficult to get work or stay in a job (whether you are struggling with physical or mental wellbeing).
You do not need to be claiming any benefits to access the service. Taking part in the programme is completely voluntary and has no impact on benefits.
How can WorkWell Fenland help?
You will be assigned a coach who will listen to the problems you're facing with getting or staying in work.
Coaches will help you identify what support you need and help you access it.
Whatever your health issue, physical or mental, WorkWell Fenland can help.
Some of the things it can help you access are:
- financial advice and debt management
- employment advice and support
- health and wellbeing services
- housing advice
- training and skills development
- relationships and domestic abuse support
- home adaptations
- carer support
- substance misuse support.
What is WorkWell Fenland?
WorkWell Fenland is a free Government-backed programme to help you stay in or return to work.
You are assigned a supportive work and health coach to discuss how you're feeling and get help accessing the right treatment or support.
You can refer yourself or be referred, such as by a health professional.
There is no compulsion to sign up to WorkWell Fenland.
Expert teams can help with all aspects of wellbeing, from mental health to diet and exercise.
WorkWell Fenland wants to make sure everyone feels better and has a good chance at getting a job, so you can work and feel healthy.
WorkWell Fenland is part of a wider scheme available to anyone living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and will run until March 31, 2026. It is supported by NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) with funding from the Department of Work and Pensions and is delivered in partnership with local organisations.
WorkWell Fenland is being delivered by Fenland District Council.
WorkWell for employers - supports businesses to retain staff and reduce sickness absence
WorkWell Fenland is a free service that can help your businesses to retain staff and reduce sickness absence.
Individuals are linked with a specialist coach who will help them access whatever treatment or support they need to be well for work.
WorkWell can help your organisation:
- reduce absence and achieve greater productivity as a result
- retain staff
- support your employees
- make your business stand out as supportive to staff
- understand and access a wide range of free support available both nationally and locally to support employees.
There's no requirement for individuals to be in receipt of benefits and no impact on benefits it they are.
Workwell Fenland is intended to complement and not replace existing human resources, occupational health or health support offers. It is a UK Government funded scheme delivered by Fenland District Council.
How employers can access WorkWell Fenland
Employers can signpost individuals to refer themselves to WorkWell Fenland by completing a contact form.
To contact the WorkWell Fenland team to discuss how the team can support your business email: or get in touch via: Contact us page.
Further information: