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News and Events

See the latest Fenland District Council news, events and press releases below. You can also keep up-to-date on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and with our digital newsletter The Fenlander.

Apprentice award for Fenland District Council's Ross

A Fenland District Council HR administration apprentice who is 'always ready to take on a new challenge' has been recognised at regional awards.

Latest Meet the Manager event provides open platform to discuss all things rail

Rail passengers and Manea villagers will have a unique opportunity to voice questions and suggestions to railway managers at an event in the village later this month.

Free fun at screen printing, shadow puppetry and costume workshops ahead of parade

Adults, children and groups can enjoy free fun at screen printing, shadow puppetry and costume workshops ahead of this year's Fenland St George's Festival - and take their chance to be in the parade.

Litter heroes assemble...Fenland is fighting back!

Fenland District Council is inviting residents, businesses, schools and community groups to take part in the country's biggest environmental clean-up.

Council seeks legal advice on fighting the decision to allow Wisbech incinerator

Fenland District Council voted unanimously to seek legal advice on a potential challenge to the Secretary of State's decision to allow Wisbech incinerator to be built.

Help give Fenland a spring clean this March!

Community litter picks organised as part of a national clean-up campaign are among the events being held by Fenland's amazing Street Pride groups throughout March.

Temporary junction closure in March for essential safety works (4 - 10 March)

The junction of Dartford Road and Broad Street, March, will be closed from Monday, 4 March, to Sunday, 10 March, for essential safety works following the discovery of a void beneath the road surface.

Consideration of legal challenge in bid to block Wisbech incinerator

Fenland District Council will decide on Monday (Feb 26) whether to seek legal advice on a potential challenge to the Secretary of State's decision to allow Wisbech incinerator to be built.

Toilet block demolition signifies next step in March town centre regeneration

The transformation of March town centre has taken another step forward this week with the demolition of the existing toilet block.

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