Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 15th November, 2018 4.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March

No. Item


Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of 13 September 2018


The minutes of the meeting of 13 September 2018 were confirmed and signed.


Civic Engagements Update pdf icon PDF 144 KB

For information only


Councillor Mrs Mayor drew members’ attention to the civic activities undertaken by herself and the Vice Chairman in the weeks preceding Full Council. 


To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Council and/or the Head of Paid Service.


Councillor Mrs Mayor thanked members who attended the Macmillan Coffee Morning on 27 September 2018. It was a record year as it had been extremely well attended and over £1500 was raised for this vital charity. She paid special thanks to the leisure centres; two had held quiz nights and one held a coffee morning, and the proceeds from these events helped make this fantastic amount. 


Councillor Mrs Mayor thanked members who attended the Chairman’s Annual Civic Reception held at the Neale Wade Academy; as with other civic events we were able to showcase what Fenland has to offer.


Councillor Mrs Mayor reminded members that she will be hosting the Chairman’s Community Carol Service at the Parish Church of St Peter in Wimblington on Sunday 2 December 2018at 3pm. All are welcome to attend for a traditional Carol service followed by refreshments.   


To receive questions from, and provide answers to, councillors in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Chairman, accord with the provisions of Procedure Rules 8.4 and 8.6


No questions had been submitted under Procedure Rule 8.6 and Councillor Booth, as leader of the main opposition group, asked questions under Procedure Rule 8.4, as follows:


·         could the Leader provide an update on the skills and apprenticeship budget of the Combined Authority and advise how this is benefitting Fenland? The Leader replied that the Combined Authority has been asked to provide the information requested, unfortunately that has not yet been received and asked if it would be acceptable to send Councillor Booth a written answer as soon as possible. Councillor Booth stated that would be acceptable and he felt other members would also be interested in this. The Leader advised he will make sure members are informed. 

·         could the Leader confirm if the Combined Authority is investing in affordable housing projects in Fenland and if so when will this take place?  The Leader responded as follows:

“The Combined Authority has invested £150,000 in an affordable housing scheme in Whittlesey which through that and other funding sources will deliver 37 affordable homes. 

Officers have also been liaising with the Combined Authority on an exploratory pipeline on a further 6 sites for a further 244 funded affordable homes. As with all development negotiations schemes will fall out and other schemes will come in which is why officers have been tracking over 100 potential sites in the last 12 months where there is planning permission or there are applications for planning being considered. As part of this the Council have been engaging with active Registered Providers in the patch to see what can be negotiated including purchasing the whole site to develop all tenures on it.

The Combined Authority and the Council recognise that viability issues are greater here than in other areas of the Combined Authority area therefore over the summer a meeting was held with Registered Providers, the Council and the Combined Authority to explore how best to work together in developing an affordable housing programme in the future both for Homes England and Combined Authority consideration.

Overall there is a programme of 158affordable homes to be delivered by end of 2019/20 mainly through Registered Provider and Homes England financing. As well as this there is a further 3 sites controlled by Registered Providers which will deliver a further 189 affordable homes with completion dates to be determined.”

Councillor Booth thanked the Leader for the update. 

·         can the Leader give an update on the review of local government structure in Cambridgeshire being undertaken by the Combined Authority?  The Leader thanked Councillor Booth for the question and confirmed he would provide a hard copy of the answer. The Combined Authority continue to work with their appointed consultants, ResPublica, to develop public service reform proposals, which at this time are specifically focussed upon future sustainability and social care and health. The details of these proposals have yet to be established and will be shared with the leaders and their constituent councils once they become available. To the best of his knowledge  ...  view the full minutes text for item C40/18


To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2. pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Standing orders were suspended to allow full discussion for this item. 


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:


·         Councillor Booth asked Councillor Mrs Laws if she could confirm the actions planned to improve the planning processes involving Parish and Town Councils following the PAS review, and when will these actions be delivered? Councillor Mrs Laws advised that further training has commenced with more to follow. The Town and Parish Councils have been provided with information and instruction on how to receive direct notifications of new applications and appeals and the decisions on these. Access to the online planning file enables the councils to view any consultee comments which can help them form comments on the applications. In addition, they will be able to view the officer or committee report which will explain how the decision on the application was arrived at. It is proposed that a web page will be created where larger applications will be listed together with a regularly updated progress report, which will enable the Town and Parish Councils to track these proposals. With regard to the Local Plan, any new plan will be prepared through a thorough engagement process with the councils.  Also, a continual programme of planning training for all members has been made available. Councillor Booth added that the parish councils are aware of the reports available to them but they are frustrated not to hear directly from planning officers. An automated message stating reports are available is not in the spirit of better engagement envisaged, resulting in parish councillors feeling ignored and that their local knowledge is not being utilised.

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh asked Councillor Murphy if more enforcement patrols could be committed to the villages?  Councillor Murphy replied that there are fewer patrols because less is happening in the villages than the towns, but he will arrange a further patrol of the villages in this instance. 

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh stated that there is still an issue with dog fouling and asked if Councillor Murphy would consider anti dog fouling stencils to be spray painted on pavements?  Councillor Murphy responded that this method was used about five or six years ago and did not work. 

·         Councillor Bligh noted that the Council has committed investment to markets in the Fenland towns and requested a breakdown of the investment amount per town. Councillor Murphy agreed to provide this. 

·         Councillor Tibbs asked Councillor Oliver for updates on Wisbech Vehicle Exchange and the abandoned building at the top of Petts Close? Councillor Oliver advised that although he currently had no update on Petts Close, he will obtain one.  In relation to Vehicle Exchange, the owners have recently applied for a restoration order and have been instructed to sell the property within a certain timeframe, therefore, the Council does not want to take any enforcement action based on that but if there is no further development, then notice will be served to clear the site. 

·         Councillor Tierney advised Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item C41/18


Treasury Management Strategy Statement & Annual Investment Strategy Mid Year Review 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To review the Council’s Treasury Management activity for the first six months of 2018/19. 


Members considered the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy Mid-Year Review 2018/19 presented by Councillor Mrs Hay.


Councillor Boden asked if, in consideration of future versions of the report, a slight modification could be made to the statement regarding UK employment numbers as latest figures given by the Office of National Statistics suggested growth rather than stagnation. Councillor Mrs Hay stated she will ask officers to look at that. 


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Seaton and AGREED to note the report. 


(Councillor Booth declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of the fact that he works for the Yorkshire Building Society) 


Council Audio/Visual Equipment pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To consider the Audio/Visual Equipment for the Council Chamber.


Councillor Mrs Mayor advised members of a proposed alteration to the recommendation contained within the report to include an annual maintenance contract for the preferred option to maximise performance of the equipment.  Members agreed to alter the recommendation accordingly. 


Members considered the options within the report presented by Councillor Buckton.  Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs French did not support the webcasting as she felt it was too expensive and unnecessary for this Council.

·         Councillor Skoulding felt that microphones could be shared and an integrated voting system too expensive when people can simply put their hand up. 

·         Councillor Boden stated functioning microphones are important in order to do the work of this Council and it is commendable to propose a system that can be added to with additional functionality if required in the future, but he shared Councillor Skoulding’s concern regarding the cost of the voting system and felt it was not value for money for such a small council. 

·         Councillor Tierney agreed with this view, although he felt that we have to be forward thinking regarding webcasting. 

·         Councillor Booth agreed with all the comments, but felt the webcasting costs are too expensive and need to be looked at again. 

·         Councillor Pugh felt the projector/screen costs were too expensive and needed to be reconsidered. 

·         Councillor Sutton stated there is no doubt a new system is needed, but questioned the number of microphones required and felt that these could be shared. 

·         Councillor Booth suggested an amendment, and that members look at Option 2.  He also felt the costs for the webcasting and projector need to be looked at again. 

·         Councillor Buckton clarified the issue of costs for all of the items in the report and confirmed they were indicative costs obtained through research and if Members approve any of the recommendations a proper procurement would be undertaken to identify best value. In terms of Option 1 microphones, the recommendation is as it is because of the additional functionality and there is no opportunity for add-ons in the future with the other options. With regard to web or audio broadcasting of Council meetings, he asked if members are minded to look at that as an option for the future, then further work will be carried out to look at what options are available as there may be some free broadcasting opportunities but there are some issues around quality. 


Councillor Booth proposed to amend the recommendation to Option 2, and investigate Option 4, this was seconded by Councillor Yeulett. 


Councillor Boden asked if that meant the integrated voting system would be removed. Councillor Booth agreed that would be the case.


Councillor Count agreed that that the Council does need a modern system for meetings and the current situation is unfit for purpose, however, he would suggest now is the time to explore webcasting further, but for a cheaper option, which is transparent, the way for the future and will help with engagement. 


Councillor Yeulett agreed; he seconded  ...  view the full minutes text for item C43/18


Appointment of Corporate Director and Chief Finance Officer (S151 Officer) pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Following a recruitment and assessment process, Council are asked to approve the appointment of Peter Catchpole as the Council's Corporate Director & Chief Finance Officer (S151 Officer) as recommended by the Member Appointments Panel.



Members considered the Appointment of Corporate Director and Chief Finance Officer (S151 Officer) presented by Councillor Seaton.


As he had not been part of the Member Appointments Panel, Councillor Booth asked for confirmation that all appropriate due diligence had been undertaken and completed.  Councillor Seaton assured him that it was a very rigorous process. 


Proposed by Councillor Connor and seconded by Councillor Owen and AGREED to approve the appointment of Peter Catchpole as the Council’s Corporate Director (S151 Officer). 


(Peter Catchpole who was present at the meeting left the room for this item)