Agenda item

Council Audio/Visual Equipment

To consider the Audio/Visual Equipment for the Council Chamber.


Councillor Mrs Mayor advised members of a proposed alteration to the recommendation contained within the report to include an annual maintenance contract for the preferred option to maximise performance of the equipment.  Members agreed to alter the recommendation accordingly. 


Members considered the options within the report presented by Councillor Buckton.  Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs French did not support the webcasting as she felt it was too expensive and unnecessary for this Council.

·         Councillor Skoulding felt that microphones could be shared and an integrated voting system too expensive when people can simply put their hand up. 

·         Councillor Boden stated functioning microphones are important in order to do the work of this Council and it is commendable to propose a system that can be added to with additional functionality if required in the future, but he shared Councillor Skoulding’s concern regarding the cost of the voting system and felt it was not value for money for such a small council. 

·         Councillor Tierney agreed with this view, although he felt that we have to be forward thinking regarding webcasting. 

·         Councillor Booth agreed with all the comments, but felt the webcasting costs are too expensive and need to be looked at again. 

·         Councillor Pugh felt the projector/screen costs were too expensive and needed to be reconsidered. 

·         Councillor Sutton stated there is no doubt a new system is needed, but questioned the number of microphones required and felt that these could be shared. 

·         Councillor Booth suggested an amendment, and that members look at Option 2.  He also felt the costs for the webcasting and projector need to be looked at again. 

·         Councillor Buckton clarified the issue of costs for all of the items in the report and confirmed they were indicative costs obtained through research and if Members approve any of the recommendations a proper procurement would be undertaken to identify best value. In terms of Option 1 microphones, the recommendation is as it is because of the additional functionality and there is no opportunity for add-ons in the future with the other options. With regard to web or audio broadcasting of Council meetings, he asked if members are minded to look at that as an option for the future, then further work will be carried out to look at what options are available as there may be some free broadcasting opportunities but there are some issues around quality. 


Councillor Booth proposed to amend the recommendation to Option 2, and investigate Option 4, this was seconded by Councillor Yeulett. 


Councillor Boden asked if that meant the integrated voting system would be removed. Councillor Booth agreed that would be the case.


Councillor Count agreed that that the Council does need a modern system for meetings and the current situation is unfit for purpose, however, he would suggest now is the time to explore webcasting further, but for a cheaper option, which is transparent, the way for the future and will help with engagement. 


Councillor Yeulett agreed; he seconded the proposition because he felt that the more open the Council is the better, it may also be an opportunity for younger people to become interested and get involved.


Members discussed further the issues regarding maintenance. The Chairman stated that this would be dependent on procurement as to what maintenance is included and that an extended warranty would be looked at. 


Councillor Connor stated the importance of a good projector for Planning Committee.  Councillor Miscandlon concurred, stating that it is imperative to replace the projector, although he agreed with Councillor Pugh earlier comments on the costings. 


Councillor Mrs Hay suggested that the proposal be amended to include it was agreed that the projector needed to be replaced


Proposed by Councillor Booth, seconded by Councillor Yeulett and AGREED to


·         approve the replacement of the projector

·         approve Option 2 and the associated maintenance costs

·         delegate further consideration of Option 4 to the Corporate Director of Finance and the Portfolio Holders for Finance and ICT to appoint the most economically advantageous provider. 


(Councillor Owen requested it be recorded that he abstained from voting on this item) 

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