Free fun at screen printing, shadow puppetry and costume workshops ahead of parade
Adults, children and groups can enjoy free fun at screen printing, shadow puppetry and costume workshops ahead of this year's Fenland St George's Festival - and take their chance to be in the parade.

MarketPlace and Fenland Arts Association are delivering the workshops with artist Ricki Outis to create screen printed banners and pennants (flags). And costume and outdoor performance creators Mandinga Arts will be sharing their elaborate puppets and costumes and signing people up for the dragon march parade. Shadow puppetry workshops, with Liz Falconbridge and Karin Forman, are also on offer.
Dates have been set for sign-up and drop-in sessions and, in addition, groups - anything from scouts and cadets to retirement groups and Women's Institute - can request a no-cost session delivered specifically to them.
Cambridgeshire Skills is also hosting a free escape room event in advance of the festival.
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Preparations are now well under way for this year's St George's Festival, which takes place in March town on Sunday, April 21, 10am to 4pm.
St George's Festival is once again being organised in partnership with March Events Committee, MarketPlace - Creative People & Places, March Library, The Library Presents, 20Twenty Productions and Cambridgeshire Skills and Fenland District Council.
Cllr Peter Murphy, Fenland District Council portfolio holder for markets and events, said: "This event is a shining example of partnership working with a joint effort to provide an excellent event and array of linked events.
"We look forward to seeing as many people as possible from March and surrounding areas enjoying it."
Cllr Jan French, deputy leader of Fenland District Council and chair of March Events Committee, said: "The St George's Festival is such a wonderful community event and it's great to see so many opportunities for people to really get involved.
"Every year offers even more than the last. Please don't miss out on the chance to do one of these excellent creative and fun workshops and be involved in the parade on the day.
"If you belong to or run a group and want a workshop to come to you make contact or if you're an individual or family sign up or drop-in on one of the sessions."
Anyone can go along to a drop-in session or sign up for one of the sessions requiring bookings. In addition, groups are invited to register an interest in having any of the sessions delivered directly to them.
To request a screen printing, shadow puppetry or puppets and performance workshop for your group visit: Marketplace 'Group Sign Up' page
Organised sessions are:
- Costume and outdoor performance creators Mandinga Arts drop-in workshop at March library, City Road, this Saturday (March 9), 12pm to 3pm
- Screen Printing Banners and Pennants workshop with artist Ricki Outis:
- Saturday, March 23, 1pm to 4pm, March Library to book email
- Wednesday, April 3, 10am to 1pm, March Community Centre, Station Road, to book email
- Thursday 4th April, 10am to 1pm, March Scout Hut, to book email
- Saturday, April 6, 1pm to 4pm, March Library, to book email
The St George's Festival workshops are delivered by MarketPlace and Fenland Arts Association and funded by the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation and the Fenland Culture Fund.
- A Dungeons and Dragons escape rooms event is on Monday, April 8, at March Community Centre. To book contact Cambridgeshire Skills on 01353 613013 or email
St George's Festival day - Sunday, April 21
The festival will be held in and around March Library, in City Road, City Road Car Park and West End Park, in the town of March.
There will be dozens of stalls, street food and live entertainment, storytelling, falconry, street performers, amusements and much more. A 'dragon march parade' from West End Park bandstand begins at 11.30am.
Parking will be limited on the day and anyone who can walk or cycle is advised to, but free park and ride will be available from Fenland Hall, in County Road, dropping off at the back of Boots, 9.30am to 4.30pm.
To book a stall for Sunday, April 21, see: or email .
The closing date to apply for a pitch is Friday, March 22. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
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March 2024