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New Wisbech Park community pavilion nears completion

Wisbech Park's new community pavilion is taking shape as construction work on the eagerly anticipated facility nears completion.

Wisbech Park pavilion progress

Project contractor Probus is due to finish work on the £851,000 construction phase in mid-December, ready to be handed over to Wisbech Town Council in the New Year.

Wisbech Park pavilion progress

Pictured outside the progressing Wisbech Park community pavilion are, from left, Cllr Sidney Imafidon, town and district councillor for Wisbech; Terry Jordan, clerk of Wisbech Town Council; and Cllr Peter Murphy, Fenland District Council's Portfolio Holder for Environment.

The project has been made possible thanks to funding from Fenland District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council's Communities Capital Fund, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority's Market Towns Programme, and the Government's Changing Places initiative.

Cllr Peter Murphy, Fenland District Council's Portfolio Holder for Environment, said: "We are on the cusp of delivering a fantastic facility that has the community at its heart and will make a real difference to local residents and visitors to Wisbech. Wisbech Park is already a much-loved asset, for the town and the whole of Fenland, but this new pavilion will be the icing on the cake."

The pavilion will be owned by Fenland District Council but managed on a day-to-day basis by Wisbech Town Council. At a Fenland District Council Cabinet last month, members agreed a 35-year lease for the town council to manage the building. A Cabinet report said "management by the town council is the best option as it will provide a locally focussed approach, ensuring community needs are catered for."

The pavilion will replace the aged existing toilets at the park and will include a new, state-of-the-art accessible Changing Places toilet, which is designed to support the needs of all people with disabilities.

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December 2023

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