Council supports renters with mould issues
Fenland residents who live in social and privately rented housing are being reminded that they can seek help from Fenland District Council if mould issues are not resolved by their landlords.

Improving the condition of rental homes in Fenland, including ensuring properties do not contain health hazards such as damp and mould, is a key priority for the Council, reinforced by its robust Housing Enforcement Policy.
The authority's reminder follows the tragic case of Awaab Ishak, a two-year-old boy who died following chronic exposure to mould at the family's social housing home in Rochdale.
Most private landlords and registered providers of social housing in Fenland maintain properties in a good condition, but the Council will investigate complaints from tenants and take enforcement action where necessary.
Tenants who are not satisfied with the response of their landlord after raising a formal complaint about the condition of their home can see the housing complaints page for further advice and to find a report form. Or email:
Cases will be assessed and triaged by the authority to ensure the most urgent matters are given priority.
Where appropriate, officers will carry out a property inspection and work with the landlord/agent to require remedial work to be carried out - with the power to serve legal notices if issues are not resolved.
The Council is also able to support tenants with information and advice about ways they can help prevent some damp and mould growth through reducing condensation in their homes.
Cllr Samantha Hoy, the Council's Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "The demand on the Council's Housing department increases in the winter, as is to be expected. But this year, with the cost-of-living crisis and people reducing their use of heating, which can result in damp and mould growth, the number of enquiries is much greater than normal.
"The team can advise tenants on ways to help this and will support them if there are underlying issues that need to be resolved by their landlords. Protecting tenants from unsafe and poor housing conditions remains a big priority in Fenland and we will not hesitate to use powers to ensure standards are being met."
An advice leaflet on 'Dealing with Damp and Condensation (PDF, 4 MB)' is available on the Council's website on the housing complaints page.
December 2022