The life of Her Majesty celebrated at Community Thanksgiving Service
Civic leaders from across Fenland joined residents at St Peter's Church in March on Friday 16 September, to celebrate the life and service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Community Service of Thanksgiving gave thanks for The Queen's 70 unrivalled years of service and dedication to family, the Nation and Nations of the Commonwealth, and reflected on the importance of her lasting legacy.
The Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Benjamyn Damazer FIMC JP; the Chairman of Fenland District Council, Cllr Alex Miscandlon; the Leader of Fenland District Council, Cllr Chris Boden; and the Chief Executive of Fenland District Council, Paul Medd, joined residents in attendance.
Also among the congregation were civic leaders and representatives from town and parish councils across the district.

The service was conducted by the Rev Andrew Smith, with readings given by Rev Jenny Webb, Rev Ruth Clay, Hannah Taylor, Diane Wise, Barbara Taylor, Karen Pritchard, Rev Simon Goddard, Rev Martin Wells, Rev Deborah Caulk and Kim Downes.
There were also prayers for The Queen and the Royal Family and the hymns were Lord Of All Hopefulness; All People that on Earth do Dwell, which is said to have been a favourite of The Queen's; a new hymn written in tribute to The Queen, Tears and Celebration, and O God our Help in Ages Past.
The congregation also sang the new National Anthem, God Save The King.
Anyone who was unable to attend the service can watch the service on our YouTube channel.
Order of Service
Order of Service for Her Majesty The Queen Community Thanksgiving Service (PDF, 524 KB)