Agenda item

Review of Fees and Charges 2020/21.

To review the Council’s Fees and Charges for 2020/21, in line with the Budget Strategy being considered by Cabinet on 9 January 2020.



Members considered the Review of Fees and Charges 2020/21 report presented by Councillor Boden.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Miscandlon asked if consultations are carried out with service users in relation to increases in fees and charges. For example, do we consult with tenants of business premises? Councillor Boden confirmed that the Council do not consult tenants when revising rents, fees and charges. The nature of 'fee setting' for the Business Premises Estate is subject to many external factors, including local market activity. The Council operates the Business Premises Estate to provide start-up employment space, but needs to do so on a sustainable financial footing. It would therefore not be appropriate to apply a simple inflationary increase to rents, fees & charges. Most factors affecting rental levels are beyond the control of the Council and will include: comparable market rents the supply and demand of premises within a given area or the age and suitability of the property to perform its function, etc. The business centre rents are largely all inclusive, so increases or decreases in utility charges also need to be included in the rent setting process.

2.    Councillor Yeulett asked a question on behalf of Councillor Booth. He stated that the fees and charges relating to the Port do not reference the results of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel’s Economic Development Review which determined that the maintenance and capital costs of the Port are generally the cause of the service not being cost neutral. He asked officers to confirm if these costs will be included in the charging structure for the Port. Councillor Boden said it was incorrect to state that the maintenance and capital costs are the sole cause of the Port not running at a profit but explained that the Council are not commercially able to levy further charges to the Port and the service is not run as a commercial business.

3.    Mark Saunders explained that the Port at Wisbech is in direct competition with both Ports at Boston and Kings Lynn and therefore the Council must remain competitive with its fees and charges. He explained that the Council cannot increase the charges to the level required and only aim to recover the statutory costs. He confirmed that as the Statutory Port Authority, closure of the Port would require authority from Central Government and therefore there will always be a deficit on the Port accounts.

4.    Councillor Boden added that depreciation costs are included for accounting purposes only.

5.    Councillor Hay stated that the report infers that cemetery and burial costs have risen purely because other Local Authorities have increased their charges. Councillor Boden clarified that the Council currently charge less than neighbouring authorities. He explained that the charges allow a balanced budget but the Council do not seek to make a profit in this service area. Councillor Hay stated that the report could be amended to reflect this.

6.    Councillor Skoulding reported a complaint he had received from a local undertaker in relation to delays with the Council’s burial services. Carol Pilson explained that the current ground maintenance contract does limit the number of daily burials allowed in the district however this is to ensure a high quality service for such a sensitive service area. She agreed to look into this complaint further.

7.    Councillor Mrs French confirmed that she too had received complaints from undertakers in relation to this.

8.    Councillor Cornwell stated that discussions should be encouraged between the ground maintenance contractors and undertakers.


The Overview and Scrutiny Panel considered the proposals contained in the report and at Appendix A and recommended to Cabinet the Fees and Charges to be included in the final budget proposals for 2020/21.


(Councillor Cornwell declared an interest by virtue of the fact that he is a Berth Holder at Wisbech Yacht Harbour).

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