Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows: 


·         Councillor Wicks said we have seen the very good works that Street Pride groups have done and evidence of their efforts is visible throughout the area. He asked Councillor Murphy what is the level of recycling of the materials collected by Street Pride and what is the level of recycling undertaken by Street Scene officers as part of their collection of waste around the area? Councillor Murphy thanked Councillor Wicks for the question, stating he would get back to him with the answer.

·         Councillor Connor said that he is keen that members receive planning training and asked Councillor Mrs Laws if she could confirm that extra planning training will be taking place. Councillor Mrs Laws advised that an email has been sent to members regarding two sessions of planning training arranged for Thursday 21st November. This is also open to town and parish councillors. Many members have lobbied for this training, which is at a cost to the Council, but she is disappointed that the uptake has been low. Unless more members commit to this training it will have to be cancelled. Councillor Connor asked members to take the opportunity of the extra training being offered.

·         Councillor Yeulett addressed Councillor Benney, stating that he noted a number of red RAG ratings under his portfolio. He asked if the targets are high or achievable. Councillor Benney said that a lot of this is statistical data reported back to the Council and these are yearly targets; however work is currently being undertaken on projects that will bring investment to the area which should improve these figures. Councillor Yeulett thanked Councillor Benney.

·         Councillor Cornwell addressed Councillor Mrs French, stating that in July he had raised the issue of civil parking enforcement. He said Councillor Mrs French had announced then that she had commenced discussions with officers the previous month but to date members have not received a progress report and residents are still complaining about “wild-west parking”. Councillor Mrs French replied that she was also frustrated.  Unfortunately the shortage of a senior officer meant progress had not been as quick as expected. A draft confidential report has been produced which she was hoping to bring to Cabinet and Council in December, but these meetings have been rearranged for January. She stated that she has been pushing as hard as she can but it is a long, ongoing process. Councillor Cornwell did not accept that the absence of an officer of the authority should delay the process and expressed his disappointment at the current situation. Councillor Mrs French stated that she would be able to provide an update in three weeks’ time.

·         Councillor Hay addressed Councillor Murphy, saying that she understood there is a waste duty of care for waste disposal but asked why the fixed penalty notice is £400 for householders but only £300 for a business trade waste offence. Councillor Murphy responded that he would investigate this and report back.

·         Councillor Sutton addressed Councillor Boden about street lights; an issue that has caused great concern within the parish councils. A motion was passed in May that this would be sorted out. It has been reported by various parish councils that officers did not know this motion had been passed. Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Boden if he would personally write to all the parish councils assuring them that the motion was passed and will be adhered to in the very near future. He stated that this issue has been going on and on, and if officers on the ground have not been made aware of the motion, then something is adrift. Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Sutton and agreed the lack of equity in the current situation cannot continue indefinitely and he will commit to addressing this. However, Councillor Boden felt confident that all senior officers know of the motions that are passed at each Council meeting. He said that it was the intention to produce a paper to Cabinet in December but because of Purdah, Cabinet has been deferred to January. He said the problem of street lights is not a new one, it has been ongoing for many years and each attempt to solve it has made things more difficult to resolve. However, he is concerned to hear that some parish councils are under the impression that nothing is being done because some officers do not seem to know about it, so he is willing to undertake to write to them all regarding the current position and timetable for the next step. Councillor Sutton thanked Councillor Boden.

·         Councillor Sutton addressed Councillor Murphy, saying that members had received the recent press release regarding brown bin charges for 2020/21. A motion had been agreed in May that we would look into providing this service free of charge. He asked Councillor Murphy the meaning of ‘vertical integration’. Councillor Murphy responded that this meant the Government would like free kerbside garden waste collections nationally, but he has heard nothing further about this. However, his personal opinion is that it would be too expensive and he does not think that we could deliver this service freely. Councillor Sutton thanked Councillor Murphy.

·         Councillor Sutton asked where we are with the motion regarding single-use plastics that was discussed in May. Councillor Tierney replied that the Council is doing its best to limit the use of single-use plastics. We recycle a large amount, and our plastics are not being sent abroad or going into the sea. Councillor Booth pointed out that he had not seen much change; the Council is still using plastic cups and he does not see much leadership or direction in this area. Councillor Tierney said that he would address any incidents of use of single-use plastics where reported to him. Councillor Boden added that the Council is currently utilising current stocks of plastic cups; it would be wasteful and not cost effective to just throw them away.

·         Councillor Booth addressed Councillor Boden following on from Councillor Sutton’s question regarding street lights. Referring to page 49 of the agenda pack, he asked if we could look at the agreement on electricity and for this interim period agree to pay the electricity supply for the street lights until a decision is made on how we are actually going to take this whole issue forward. Councillor Boden felt that Councillor Booth had slightly overstated what had previously been said; this would be one of the items that would have to be part of a new arrangement; it would be premature for him to make this commitment, therefore he will not be able to agree to this right now. Councillor Mrs Davis pointed out that some parish councils have already had to sign contracts for electricity supply, for example Wiimblington Parish Council has just had to take out a minimum contract of a year at a cost of £6000 for the village, With a yearly budget of £14,000, this will mean they will be unable to do much of what the villagers will be expecting. Councillor Boden said that he understood and appreciated Councillor Mrs Davis’s comments; he agreed it is a difficult problem to solve but he is determined to ensure that when a resolution is found it will be fair and sustainable to all concerned.

·         Councillor Sutton said that some parish councils, such as Elm, are now under new administration. He asked for assurance from Councillor Boden that if these parishes had previously opted out of the scheme, they would be able to re-join. Councillor Sutton requested a response in time for the next meeting tomorrow, 5th November. Councillor Boden advised that he would need to get officer advice in order to give the correct answer but he will ensure it is given in time for the meeting. Councillor Sutton thanked Councillor Boden, stating an expedient response will be most appreciated. Councillor Mrs Davis added that she wanted Council to know that both Wimblington and Doddington Parish Councils had asked to be re-included in the electric and maintenance contract and were told they could not, therefore she had no choice but to sign the £6000 contract.

·         Councillor Booth asked Councillor Mrs Laws if she could provide an update on conservation areas in the absence of Councillor Seaton. Coates is mentioned on page.47 of the agenda pack but he has had assurances in the past that Parson Drove would be one of the next areas in line. That was some years ago and no progress seems to have been made. Councillor Mrs Laws confirmed that Parson Drove is next on the list but she will follow it up.

·         Councillor Booth asked Councillor Boden if any work has been done to progress the motion he had proposed in May regarding play equipment, namely in relation to finding sources of revenue or major funding. Councillor Boden advised that the NHS would not be interested in providing funding because it is no longer their responsibility to deal with public health matters, which now falls to the County Council. Discussions have been taking place about attracting new funding, which he cannot disclose at this time but there is the possibility of extending the provision that currently exists. However, in order to extend that provision fairly, Cabinet was asked today for the process to be speeded up so that a full and comprehensive list of all play areas within the district, no matter who owns or runs them, can be examined to see where additional or new equipment and new play areas are required. He cannot guarantee that capital funding will materialise but hopes an announcement can be made in the very near future. Councillor Booth thanked Councillor Boden for this information, which he found very encouraging.

·         Councillor Booth addressed Councillor Wallwork saying that he was surprised the villages were not included on the list of engagement events on page 65 of the agenda pack. He asked if this was a full list or are events no longer being undertaken in the villages. Councillor Wallwork said that she does not know why the villages were not included in the report as they are definitely included in engagement events and are very important. She pledged to look into this further.

·         Councillor Cornwell said that three years ago the Council joined an energy saving system produced at county level, iChoosr. Only recently we have been through an option for 46 households to sign up to a bulk purchase arrangement.  Those of us who know about it find it very useful. Reasonable savings are available to every household that signs up, for which we receive £5. We have an entry on our website but that is all we do. He asked if the portfolio holder responsible could please ensure that there is a marketing exercise so that more households have the opportunity to join and save a considerable amount of money. Councillor Tierney agreed this is a great project, people can save a lot of money and we should make a bigger deal of this and as Portfolio Holder for Communications he will do what he can to promote it. He added he would encourage all members to help promote it also.

·         Councillor Maul addressed Councillor Hoy. In Wisbech there are a number of rough sleepers; the Ferry Project has a limited amount of beds but they have a strict no-alcohol policy. There is an issue in the town where people drink through the day and sleep rough; we can target those that want help but how do we deal with those who do not want help. Councillor Hoy stated that homelessness is being tackled in a number of ways, there is a homeless hub which anyone can attend as it is less restrictive, and there is also a night shelter which also has strict rules regarding drugs and alcohol. Councillor Hoy agreed that the Ferry Project is not always suitable. A board is being set up in the next month to look at some of these issues and potential solutions, along with a member seminar in November with more information to be made available on rough sleeping and homelessness.

·         Councillor Mrs French thanked Councillor Murphy and street cleansing staff for the swift removal of the graffiti that had recently blighted March.

·         Councillor Mrs French asked if the premises that had suffered a recent fire on Longhill Road belonged to Fenland District Council, and if so what further information did we have. Councillor Mrs Mayor advised that to the best of our knowledge, these are not council premises. 

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