Agenda item

Committee Structure, Political Balance and Allocation of Seats.

The purpose of this Report is to agree the committee structure and terms of reference for the forthcoming municipal year as well as confirming the allocation of seats to those committees and also to outside bodies in accordance with political proportionality rules and to receive notification of the appointments to them (where known).  



Members considered and Committee Structure, Political Balance and Allocation of Seats report and received an update in relation to the Committee Structure.


Councillor Mrs Mayor made members aware of an error on page 13 of the Agenda Pack. The number of seats allocated to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee is stated as 1 seat to the Conservatives and 1 seat to the Fenland Independents Alliance. Due to the political proportionality rules governing the Combined Authority, both seats should be allocated to the Conservatives.


She informed members that there were additional papers tabled in relation to this Agenda Item (as per the attached).


Councillor Mrs Mayor proposed an alteration under recommendation 3.4 in relation to the configuration of the Corporate Governance Committee, which would result in an increase by 1 of the number of members of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel who can sit on the Corporate Governance Committee. This amendment fulfilled the wishes of Group Leaders in making their appointments to the Corporate Governance Committee.


Councillor Mrs Mayor proposed that recommendation 3.4 would instead read as follows; Notes the increase in membership of the Corporate Governance Committee from 9 to 11 to ensure all political groups receive their allocation of seats and increase the number of Overview and Scrutiny Panel members who can sit on Corporate Governance Committee from 3 to 4 and delegate to the Monitoring Officer to make updates to the Constitution.


The amendment was seconded by Councillor Miscandlon.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Booth highlighted that part of Councillor Seaton’s Portfolio includes ‘Dilapidated Buildings and Enforcement’. He asked if this would be best placed with Councillor Mrs Laws as she is the Portfolio Holder for Planning. Councillor Boden said whilst these two areas are certainly linked, the impending Local Plan review will be the responsibility of Councillor Mrs Laws and will form a large part of her workload.


It was AGREED;


3.1.      To maintain the Committees and Panels set out at Appendix A for the 2019/2020 municipal year;

3.2.      That the terms of reference set out at Part 3 of the Council’s constitution in relation to the committees and panels referred to at paragraph 3.1 above should continue as currently drafted;

3.3.      The allocation of seats and position of Chairman and Vice Chairman on those committees subject to political balance arrangements (Appendix A);

3.4.      To note the increase in membership of the Corporate Governance Committee from 9 to 11 to ensure all political groups receive their allocation of seats and increase the number of Overview and Scrutiny Panel members who can sit on Corporate Governance Committee from 3 to 4 and delegate to the Monitoring Officer to make updates to the Constitution.

3.5.      The appointments to seats allocated in accordance with paragraphs 3.3 above (Appendix B –tabled) to include co-opted or non-members.

3.6.      The list of Outside Bodies and allocation of seats in accordance with political balance arrangements as set out at Appendix A for 2019/20. Appointments will be made at Cabinet in June.

Supporting documents: