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Hereward Community Rail Partnership hosts 'Try the Train' trip for local guides and brownies group

Youngsters from 1st Doddington Guides and Brownies enjoyed a 'Try the Train' trip this week, boosting their knowledge and confidence to travel by rail.

Try the Train guides 1

Try the Train guides 1

1st Doddington Guides and Brownies at March Station, during their 'Try the Train' trip hosted by the Hereward Community Rail Partnership.

The trip from March to Ely and back on Wednesday (29 May) was organised by the Hereward Community Rail Partnership (CRP), which works to engage local communities along Fenland's Hereward Line.

Just days before, during national Community Rail Week, the partnership organised a similar trip with March-based charity FACET, supporting adults with additional needs to also give the train a try.

Try the Train - FACET

Members of the Hereward Community Rail Partnership host a 'Try the Train' trip with FACET

The events were aimed at connecting people with their local railway, promoting social inclusion and boosting travel confidence.

"We're delighted to have had the opportunity to host these 'Try the Train' trips," said CRP officer Joanne Rose. "We wanted to help build confidence to travel by rail which can open doors to education, employment and endless leisure opportunities. It was wonderful to see the engagement and enthusiasm throughout both trips."

During the Guides and Brownies trip, the youngsters enjoyed a quiz, a tour of Ely with Visit Ely and received goodie bags to take home. They also had career talks with train operators Greater Anglia, CrossCountry, East Midlands Railway, Great Northern Railway and Thameslink.

During the FACET trip from March to Peterborough on 21 May, young people and their carers went to Peterborough Museum and enjoyed lunch in the city.

Both 'Try the Train' trips were funded by CrossCountry's Community Engagement Fund and Greater Anglia.

  • The Hereward CRP is managed by Fenland District Council in partnership with train operators, railway user groups, station adoption groups and local residents who help look after Fenland's Hereward Line and its five stations (Peterborough, Whittlesea, March, Manea and Ely). For more information, visit the Hereward CRP website.

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May 2024

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