Issue details

Licence for temporary use of Whittlesey's Lattersey Nature Reserve car park as a works compound

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/07/2021

Decision due: 22 Jul 2021 by Corporate Director

Department: Economic Growth & Assets

Contact: Christian Wilson, Valuation and Estates Surveyor Email:

Background Documents: 1. Cambs County Council is about to complete the purchase of a small part of FDC land at the entrance to the nature reserve car park to allow a turning area to be built in compliance with planning permission for the extended New Road primary school. After the works are done the car park will be secured with the existing height barrier being relocated and new bollards installed near the roadside verge. 2. The County Council's contractors are having problems securing a compound. As the car park will be out of use for the period the turning head works are being done they have asked if the (small) car park could be used as a compound. The Trust that manages the nature reserve has been consulted about this. We would ask for advanced warning signage to be provided and also ask that the County Council contact the Town Council and local Ward Councillor to advise them of this use. 3. To ensure that any damage is made good (if any) we can document this arrangement by issuing a licence to t

Delegated Power Being Exercised: Table 4
