Issue - decisions

Wisbech Park - Pavilion Construction Contract

16/03/2023 - Wisbech Park - Pavilion Construction Contract


·                 note the project progress;

·                 consider the financial position of the project, following tender returns, and to decide to continue the project with the tendered costs and estimated capital requirement from FDC detailed within exempt Schedule 10 (subject to tender assessments).

·                 delegate to the Section 151 Officer, working in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Environment to facilitate the additional capital sum required, as detailed in the exempt Schedule 10, allowing acceptance of the best value compliant tender when tender assessments are completed following FDC’s Code of Procurement; and

·                 to delegate to the Section 151 Officer, working in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Environment to enter into a construction contract with the best value compliant tenderer to build the Wisbech Park Pavilion.