Issue - decisions

Council Tax Support Scheme

13/10/2021 - Council Tax Support Scheme

Members considered the Council Tax Support Scheme report presented by Councillor Boden.


Councillor Tierney commented that this seems a sensible set of proposals, he is glad that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel looked at it and approved it and he will certainly be supporting it.


Councillor Boden said the report is out for public consultation and will be brought back in the New Year for consideration by Full Council.


CABINET considered the report and associated comments and recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Panel and AGREED:


(i)           that the current 20% contribution rate for working age claimants remain unchanged for the 2022-23 scheme;


(ii)          to approve for consultation the following four changes to the current scheme as detailed at Sections 4 and 5 of the attached report:

(a)          to reduce the capital threshold to £10,000 and abolish tariff income;

(b)          to introduce a fixed rate deduction of £7.40 for non-passported non-dependents;

(c)          to streamline the claim process and

(d)          to increase the tolerance for Universal Credit data re-assessments.     


(Councillor Lynn left the meeting at 3.11pm at the beginning of this item)