Issue - decisions

Project Update - Growing Fenland & CCC Capital Community Fund

21/10/2020 - Projects Update - Growing Fenland & CCC Capital Community Fund

Members considered the Project Update – Growing Fenland and CCC Capital Community Fund report presented by Councillor Boden. 


Councillor Boden drew Members’ attention to a late amendment within the report which had been republished. The list of projects for the CPCA funding has been increased from three to five with some specific figures regarding the amount of CPCA funding requested and the revenue cost implications for FDC.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows: 


·         Councillor Hoy asked who is communicating when the bids are won because Wisbech Town Council have still not been told officially they have received funding for the marketplace and are the payments made on a staged basis? Councillor Boden apologised that Wisbech Town Council had not received  official notification, he was not aware of this and he will report back to the Combined Authority to ensure the mechanisms are put in place that all successful bids are notified to the relevant town and parish councils as a matter of urgency. Regarding funding, unfortunately he is not aware of the answer and will find this out from the CPCA. 

·         Councillor Mrs French asked Councillor Hoy if she had been notified by Cambridgeshire County Council under the community fund that money had been awarded. Councillor Hoy said yes, she had heard from them and that they will be paid this in stages but had not heard from the CPCA and wondered if that was a different process. Councillor Boden reiterated that he would report back to the CPCA for this information.

·         Paul Medd said in response to Councillor Hoy’s second question, he suspects the CA will want a funding agreement which will itemise the specifics associated with each of the projects and how payment is received. He confirmed that this would be taken up on Councillor Hoy’s behalf.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws said that she had contacted officers who are supporting the Growing Fenland Group and understands a wealth of legal documents have been submitted by the CPCA, which is onerous and time consuming, but we have to go through them and her concern is that having heard the good news, it sounds like it could be weeks before hearing more on the funding. She is hoping that the legal documents have now been reviewed and returned to the CPCA, but she cannot confirm that. Paul Medd said that was a good point, the news that the money is available is great, but we want to get on and deliver the projects and officers are working very hard in order that all the appropriate governance can be in place as quickly as possible.



Cabinet AGREED to:


·         Note the content of the revised report and the five projects submitted as set out in the appendices to the report;

·         Authorise the relevant revenue costs associated with these five projects and to note there are no capital costs for FDC to consider.