Issue - decisions

TABLE 4 ( Paragraph 10 page 30 .To receive funding from North Cambs Hospital (£11,644.05) to enable the order of works provided by Synectics Security Group, in connection to wireless CCTV redirection and associated works due to demolit

21/03/2024 - To approve CCTV wireless works in connection to North Cambs Hospital demolition works.

To approve the order provided by Synectic’s Security Group, associated with the works with NCH demolition.


The works have been developed in consultation with the wireless designers of the FDC CCTV network, Trellis Ltd, and will be delivered by Synectic’s Security Group, our current incumbent CCTV maintenance contractor.


Costs for the works are £23,288.11, with 50% of the total costs being reimbursed by the NHS customer for NCH.


The cost element covered by FDC, £11,644.06, will be paid for from existing available budget called the CCTV reserve which is ring fenced for this type of activity requirement due to the critical nature of the works. Therefore, there is no additional impact on the approved Council budget.


CMT have been advised of the works and a report provided and presented at the management group on 5th March 2024. This was approved to proceed with works due to the critical nature and impact on wider CCTV services including Wisbech park and Falcon Road and future income protection.




To approve the works order provided by Synectics Security Group and complete redirection of CCTV services between NCH and Exchange Tower, Wisbech.