Agenda item

To receive questions from, and provide answers to, councillors in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Chairman, accord with the provisions of Procedure Rules 8.4 and 8.6.


Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that we had not received any questions submitted under Procedure Rule 8.6 and asked if there were any questions under Procedure Rule 8.4 from Councillor Tanfield (Leader of the Opposition).


Councillor Tanfield congratulated Councillor Boden on becoming Leader of Fenland District Council. She highlighted that following the recent Elections, twelve members of the new administration had been elected due to uncontested seats, including the Leader and five members of Cabinet. As these members were not voted for by the public and to ensure the adequacy of the Council’s Scrutiny process, Councillor Tanfield asked if a member of the Opposition Group could be elected as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


Councillor Tanfield stated that by having a member of the Opposition Group as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel this would support recent guidance released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to improve scrutiny in Local Authorities and added that many other Local Authorities have taken this approach.


Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Tanfield for her question and agreed that the role of Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel is of utmost importance and the role requires scrutiny in both a rigorous but constructive manner.


Councillor Boden agreed that the guidance was of interest and confirmed that he would be disappointed if the Council do not have a rigorous scrutiny process this Municipal Year and stated his confidence in members achieving this. He added that both he and Cabinet encourage the Opposition Group to contribute their opinions to ensure that the Council is in the best position.


Councillor Boden acknowledged the result of the recent Elections but stated that it was not the fault of these individual members that they faced no opposition. He stated that he is confident that these members are fully committed to their roles. He added that one of his aims as Leader of the Council is to improve and encourage public engagement within the District.


Councillor Tanfield thanked Councillor Boden for his response.


Councillor Tanfield stated that as the Government are focusing on the rail route between Oxford and Cambridge, will the Council focus on securing further investment in Fenland’s communities and infrastructure. She added that focus also needs to be on those individuals that cannot afford to buy their own home and how the Council can assist them.


Councillor Boden agreed that this is a very important area which the Council have previously had difficulty in tackling. He stated that the issue of affordable housing in Fenland will not improve under the traditional regime and both he and Cabinet will be considering new innovative ideas over the coming months.


Councillor Boden added that he will be working closely in relation to Spatial Planning with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to ensure Fenland benefits from future improvements and investment. He assured Councillor Tanfield that this issue is at the forefront of his mind.


Councillor Tanfield thanked Councillor Boden for his response.


Councillor Tanfield asked Councillor Boden if he agreed that all Councillors active on Social Media should act as Councillors at all times.


Councillor Boden agreed but said that there is a differentiation between individuals and Councillors and there is a legal distinction in relation to this. In his personal opinion, members should act in an appropriate way at all times, as Social Media can be a dangerous medium that triggers and encourages people to operate in a reactive manner.


Councillor Tanfield thanked Councillor Boden.