Agenda item

Senior Manager Pay Policy

The purpose of this report is for Council to adopt the Senior Manager Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 attached to the report.



Members considered the Senior Manager Pay Policy Statement Report presented by Councillor Hay.


Members asked questions and made comments as follows:


·       Councillor Booth recalled many years ago that there was going to be an investigation into the returning officer fees as it was felt archaic to pay a fee for what is essentially a service provided by the Council, particularly when councils are having to cut budgets. There could potentially be a saving here and should the Council not write to the local government minister regarding this?


·       Councillor Sutton addressed the monitoring officer and asked what would happen if members do not agree with this pay rise today?  The response of the Monitoring Officer was that if Council were unable to come to agreement today, there would have to be an Extraordinary Council Meeting held before 1st April.


·       Councillor Boden stated that he was under the impression that in the case of parliamentary elections, all monies are reimbursed by central government so there is no cost to the local Council. He said that Councillor Hay had admirably laid out the legislative background but did she believe the outcomes from the pay structure throughout the Council are good? Councillor Hay advised that it was entirely appropriate.


·       Councillor Sutton said there has been a lot in the press about the Chief Executive’s pay in correlation to that of the Prime Minister. He feels this is unfair because it could equally be argued that the Prime Minister is underpaid.  As this comes up every year he wonders if members could perhaps hold an independent review and Council come back to consider the outcome. The monitoring officer advised there is not the time to carry out a review before 1st April.


·       Councillor Owen reminded members that pay is based on responsibility. Carrying out elections is highly responsible, therefore that is reflected in the pay.


·       Councillor Hay pointed out that the Chief Executive’s pay is slightly misleading as it also includes the car allowance. Also, the pay was set by the previous leader and was well below that of his predecessor. Since then the only increases are the nationally agreed cost of living rises. 


·       Councillor Booth said, in relation to Councillor Sutton’s point, there is a difference between having a policy and a contract of employment. This is just a policy that we follow going forward to set a salary.


·       Councillor Miss Hoy said she initially felt the pay was too high but, having realised that it is a big responsibility and a legally binding one, she understands why the pay is as high as it is. The public do have a perception of the payment being too high but, as Councillor Booth said, this is a policy not a wage negotiation.  



Proposed by Councillor Owen, seconded by Councillor Seaton and AGREED to adopt the Senor Manager Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 at appendix 1 of the Report as required by the Localism Act 2011.  


(Councillor Garratt left the meeting at 5.50pm and therefore did not vote on this item)


Councillor Mrs Mayor ended the meeting by thanking all members for their contributions to Council over the past term and especially those who are retiring or are not standing for election.

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