Agenda item

Acceptance of Capital Funding for the Provision of Domestic Food Waste Services

To consider and agree the acceptance of first stage capital funding provided by Defra for the implementation of weekly domestic food waste collections from March 2026.



Members considered the Acceptance of Capital Funding for the Provision of Domestic Food Waste Services report presented by Councillor Murphy.


Councillor Murphy referred to the £826,815 grant funding available from Defra for weekly food waste services being rolled out nationally by Government from March 2026 and said this was not sufficient to the Council’s requirements. To deliver this additional service, small food waste bins will be required along with extra vehicles to collect them. Approximately 48,000 internal food waste caddies, 49,000 external caddies and 300 communal bins will also be needed.


Councillor Murphy said the Council needs to accept the amount offered whilst commencing an appeals process for further capital funding to cover the deficit that will occur in the roll-out, which will be an addition to the existing high standard refuse service. Councillor Murphy further stated that all the equipment required will be purchased simultaneously by all RECAP partners to take advantage of the benefits of bulk buying.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Boden said that this is a new statutory responsibility and to receive any capital funding, the Council is obliged to respond positively to the figure offered by 1st March, even though the amount of money is not sufficient. However, he understands that Government has withdrawn the suggested amount, accepting that a different figure may be appropriate even though there is no guarantee any additional money will be received. Collecting authorities nationwide are saying the amount of capital offered is insufficient to fulfil this new legal obligation. This is something FDC will be following up vigorously but at this stage, to receive any money at all, there is no choice but to accept the offer made but it does not commit the Council to only accepting that amount.

·         Councillor Mrs French commented that this was discussed on Politics East yesterday with the Leader of South Norfolk saying the money offered would not be enough and he was talking in the region of millions of pounds being needed. She said this Council needs to be very careful not to be hit with something that is going to cost a fortune. Councillor Boden said unfortunately there is no choice but to go ahead with it and accept the money; it is a matter of negotiating to ensure the Council is fully funded for the capital and revenue changes that are going to take place.

·         Councillor Hoy said she understands that the Council must accept this money and supports it but there needs to be very strong representations made to Government about this. She believes that it will be a very unpopular policy and, having seen it happen in other areas, can envisage small bins being blown around the streets in high winds, leading to rubbish being strewn about with all the potential problems that will cause, including rats. The public will be unhappy, and they will blame FDC, whose waste service is exemplary. She expressed her fear that the Government will potentially make the Council’s best service its worst service overnight; it will be really bad news.  Councillor Boden thanked Councillor Hoy but he did not believe that this would happen as the Council has some extremely good officers who will be able to manage the situation.



Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Boden and AGREED to:


1.    Consider and accept this funding offered towards the necessary capital expenditure for these service changes, acknowledging that there are conditions placed upon this funding and the use of equipment purchased.

2.    To delegate the sign off of the financial, legal and all other agreements to the Council’s Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder.

3.    Note at this point confirmation of the final funding amount has not been forthcoming from Defra. It is expected that the first instalment of funding will be in the region of £826,815.

4.    Delegate to the Finance Portfolio Holder and Section 151 Officer the ability to accept future capital and revenue allocations in regard to the introduction of a Food Waste Service and enter into any associated agreements.

5.    Note that given the number of authorities going to market for these vehicles and materials at one time, there is the risk that the funding provided by Defra does not completely cover the costs of transitioning to this additional statutory waste service.

6.    Note that the New Burdens doctrine will be applied to the net costs of transitioning to and providing the new service from March 2026.

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