Agenda item

Review of Fees and Charges 2019/20.

To review the Council’s Fees and Charges for 2019/20 in line with the Budget Strategy agreed by Cabinet on 13 December 2018.



Members considered the Review of Fees & Charges 2019/20 report.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Booth suggested that as Ports run at a deficit, they should be subject to a higher increase in their fees and charges as they do not bring in a high level of income.

2.    Councillor Boden informed members that Councillor Mrs Bucknor had submitted the following question in relation to the Port;


‘I've been concerned for many years at the fees and charges for Wisbech Port. To encourage shipping to travel the extra few miles from Sutton Bridge, it needs to make the longer travel more attractive than Sutton Bridge who also have better facilities. The more ships that come to Wisbech, the cheaper it is to maintain from the perspective that there is a build-up of silt which has to be expensively removed and disposed of - the more ships, the less silt build-up.’


3.    Councillor Boden confirmed that the Port will be reviewed as part of the work undertaken by the Member-Led Economic Development Review Group.

4.    Councillor Tierney disagreed with the suggestion of increasing the Port’s fees and charges as it is an uncertain time for many businesses that operate on the Port. He agreed with the recommended increase contained within the report in relation to this.

5.    Councillor Seaton said in response to Councillor Mrs Bucknor, it would be very difficult to get a significant increase of ships into Wisbech due to the size of the ships and Wisbech does not have a large enough turning circle to facilitate this. He highlighted that whilst cargo has increased, shipping has decreased.

6.    Councillor Tierney said it would cost several million pounds to increase the turning circle at Wisbech Port.

7.    Councillor Booth asked why Wisbech Yacht Harbour was not subject to an increase in their fees and charges. Councillor Oliver explained that following a benchmarking review in April 2018, there were a number of significant fee increases in this area which resulted in the loss of some customers. In order to maintain competitiveness, the recommendation was not to increase these fees further.

8.    Councillor Owen asked for further information on the Process Authorisation fees listed on page 53 of the Agenda Pack. Richard Cassidy explained that these fees relate to the Pollution Prevention Control Regime which is a national regime for pollution control. It regulates activities such things as car spraying, the burning of waste oil and the crushing of aggregate. He added that these fees are fixed nationally.

9.    Councillor Boden asked why the recommendation was not to increase Commercial Waste Costs (page 56 of the Agenda Pack). Councillor Murphy explained that this is a very competitive market and the private companies offering this service do not release their prices. Following a review, the Council are now achieving a larger amount of income in this area.

10.Councillor Booth asked if the Council had undertaken benchmarking research in relation to burial ground fees (page 54 of the Agenda Pack). Councillor Murphy confirmed that the Council had considered both Peterborough City Council and Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council’s charges and highlighted that Fenland District Council’s fees are still lower than other Local Authorities.

11.Councillor Booth asked if comparison had been made with East Cambs District Council and whether the Council make a surplus from these charges. Councillor Murphy said the service is operated at cost but involves a lot of other work in relation to trees contained within the burial grounds.

12.Councillor Booth asked if Land Charges operate at a surplus or deficit as the fees are not proposed to increase. Anna Goodall explained that Land Charges is a cost recovery service only and is not permitted to make a surplus.

13.Councillor Booth reminded members that the costs associated with Markets will also form part of the Economic Development Review.

14.Councillor Hodgson reminded members that the Hudson Indoor Bowls Club is to be removed as part of the Freedom Leisure contract.


The Overview and Scrutiny Panel AGREED to recommend to Cabinet the Fees & Charges to be included in the final budget proposals for 2019/20.

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