Agenda item

Land East of 56-58 Tinkers Drove, Wisbech
Erect part 2-storey/single-storey block of 3 x 1-bed flats

To determine the application.


Nick Harding presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent. Mrs Jackson stated that proposal is for the construction of a building to serve as three one-bedroomed flats and the application is before committee as Wisbech Town Council are in support of the proposal which is contrary to the officer’s recommendation. She expressed the view that the scheme is as a result of market demand, with the applicant being a local landlord and developer who is approached continually for 1-bed accommodation within Wisbech and he has advised that there are currently no such properties on the market and he would be able to sell these flats immediately once built.


Mrs Jackson expressed the opinion that the site is arguably in one of the most sustainable locations within the District as it is within the built up area of a primary market town, with local residents having the opportunity to either walk or cycle to a range of facilities including employment, education, health and retail. She feels it has been sensitively designed to resemble a dwelling house rather than a block of flats and, therefore, the language of the building is reflective of the surrounding area.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that there is an example of tandem development on the land to the rear of 1-5 Tinkers Drove, which was a scheme won on appeal where the Inspector did not consider that the development to the rear of the frontage housing was harmful and, therefore, approved the development in a tandem location. She would argue that concerns of backland development cannot be sustained.


Mrs Jackson expressed the opinion that the proposal is of sufficient distance from the neighbouring properties, being over 16½ metres from the rear boundaries of the dwellings along Ollard Avenue and over 26 metres from their windows and with existing garages in between. She feels that as it is at an obscure angle to those along Tinkers Drove there is no harmful or measurable overlooking or overshadowing.


Mrs Jackson made the point that no objections have been received from any of the neighbours and there are no technical issues with the scheme and the application is before committee with support from the Town Council. She would argue that the reasons for refusal are subjective and that the benefits gained in terms of providing 3 residential units within a sustainable location which could be built and occupied straight away should weigh heavily in support of this application.


Mrs Jackson referred to a previous application discussed at committee today in March where it was said that there is a need for small units such as this proposal within the District, they provide small units for couples to get on the property ladder and within a residential area. She requested that planning permission is granted.


Members asked questions of Mrs Jackson as follows:

·       Councillor Imafidon questioned that there are no 1-bedroomed units available in Wisbech? Mrs Jackson responded that this is what she has been advised by her client and he is approached continually for such properties. Councillor Imafidon stated that he is a Wisbech Councillor but also a property investor and expressed the view that there are 1-bed properties available as he put an offer on two 1-bed units in the town centre 3 weeks ago. He asked if the applicant was the person that constructed No.56 less than a year ago. Mrs Jackson responded in the affirmative. Councillor Imafidon stated that it looks like part of the garden of No.58 is being incorporated into this new development and asked if this was correct? Mrs Jackson responded in the affirmative.


Nick Harding made the point that according to Rightmove a few seconds ago there are 21 1-bed units available in Wisbech.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses:

·       Councillor Benney expressed the view that there are some pieces of land that should not be built upon and this site is one of them. He made the point that the site has no parking, is not in the town centre and he would not be happy if he had 3 flats built at the back of his house.  Councillor Benney expressed the opinion that this is a piece of land that the applicant is chancing and he cannot support it with, in his view, officer’s getting the recommendation correct.

·       Councillor Mrs French agreed.

·       Councillor Marks agreed and stated that looking at Google Maps three vehicles are already parked here and there is no off-road parking and whilst it is nice to say that people are going to walk or cycle at least 1 or 2 properties are going to have cars.

·       Councillor Imafidon stated that Tinkers Drove is one of those streets where people park on the road, it has speed humps and leads to a primary school, with there being no direct vehicular access to this site and having looked at the land it is part of the garden of the two front properties. He questioned how the developer will get into the site with building materials and how people who live in these flats will access the flats for delivery of furniture, etc. Councillor Imafidon acknowledged that whilst housing in Fenland and Wisbech is needed, in his view, this development is not suitable.


Proposed by Councillor Imafidon, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Hicks declared that he has been lobbied by some close connections on this application and could be seen to be pre-determined, and took no part in the discussion and voting thereon)


(Councillor Imafidon declared that he is the local councillor for this area and lives a few metres away but he is not predetermined and would approach the application with an open mind)

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