Agenda item

Land South of 85 - 89 Upwell Road, March
Erect 4 x dwellings (single-storey, 4-bed) with associated access and surface water attenuation pond

To determine the application.


Nick Harding presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Chris Walford, the Agent. Mr Walford stated that the site has extant planning permission for up to 6 dwellings which was approved by the Planning Committee and the subsequent reserved matters application was originally for 6, 2 storey dwellings which was refused, with the application being converted to a full application because the pond to the rear of the site was outside of the red line and, therefore, that could not be controlled by a condition so it was converted to a full application in order that the red line could encompass the pond. He explained that the general view from members of the committee previously was that bungalows would be preferable on the site and would eliminate overlooking issues and be in more keeping with the local area and the character.


Mr Walford stated that the current application takes into consideration the comments of the committee and now proposes bungalows and is now reduced to 4 dwellings which is more in keeping with the bungalows at the front of the site. He stated that the application is a full application with the pond being situated outside of the outlined red line and that was due to the fact that it was depicted in the original outline ecology report, and it was approved in that report but due to a planning technicality it cannot be secured.


Mr Walford stated that with regards to the drainage and flooding concerns which were raised previously, the application has been accompanied by a specialist drainage report which proposes a wildlife pond and all surface water from the development will discharge into the pond. He added that the pond is designed to allow adequate flow and holding for the 100 year plus 40% runoff and water held into the pond will slowly discharge to the existing boundary drain on the left and it’s restricted flow to greenfield run off which essentially means it cannot leave the pond at any quicker rate than it would’ve done had the pond not been there. 


Mr Walford stated that he has been advised by the drainage designer that because of the drain there is not the requirement to obtain consent according to the drain and, in his opinion, there is no doubt that there will not be any issue with the drainage or flooding. He referred to the Town Council objection to the proposal and stated that they had originally supported the outline application for 6 dwellings and also the reserved matters application for six 2 storey dwellings, however, they are refusing the proposal for 4 bungalows, with efforts being made to contact the Town Clerk to ascertain whether they had made an error, however, he is still waiting for a further response.


Members asked Mr Walford the following questions:

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that the reason the committee at March Town Council recommended the proposal for refusal is due to the fact that they are a newly formed committee following the elections held in May.


Members asked officer’s the following questions:

·       Councillor Gerstner asked whether the refuse vehicles would be able to access the properties in order to collect their waste? Nick Harding stated that either a private collection will have to be organised by the residents or alternatively the bins will need to be placed at the top of the access road.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that there appears to be a large number of applications currently being submitted for Upwell Road. She added that she agrees with the officer’s recommendation for refusal, and she will not support the proposal.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Gerstner and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Mrs French declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that she is a member of March Town Council, but takes no part in planning)

Supporting documents: