Agenda item

Land East of 137 Upwell Road, March
Erect up to 6no dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved)

To determine the application.


Nick Harding presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure from Shanna Jackson, the Agent. Mrs Jackson explained that the proposal is for up to 6 dwellings and is submitted in outline with all matters reserved. She stated that members may recall a previous application which was for up to 9 dwellings and at that time members had raised concerns with regards to flooding and ecology and as a result of that concern, the Middle Level Commissioners have been contacted and have confirmed that they are not aware of any flooding on the site, and this has been the case for over 20 years.


Mrs Jackson explained that an ecology report was also commissioned, given the drains at the front of the site and the Ecology Officer has raised no objection to the proposal, with ecological mitigation measures suggesting a condition which has ben accepted by the applicant. She stated that she understands that there were previous concerns with regards to highways safety and, therefore, the site access has been revised to a single point which the Highway Authority is happy with, and this is also an approach which was supported by officers.


Mrs Jackson explained that the current proposal is for 6 new dwellings in March and Policy LP3 states that March is a primary market town and should, therefore, be a focus for new development. She added that the proposal will provide additional housing which is supported by Policy LP3.


Mrs Jackson stated that the very nature of growth, it is inevitable that development will extend the town into the open land beyond the exiting footprint. She made the point that on the land there can be 6 large detached high quality designed dwellings which set the scene on the approach into March and the first reason for refusal can be overcome.


Mrs Jackson referred to the second reason for refusal and stated that the proposed single access was included as a result of the feedback provided from the previous application submission, however, access is not committed, and should members require multiple single points of access this can be worked through with officers and highways at the reserved matters stage until an agreeable outcome is reached. She stated that the officer’s report states that there are no technical objections to the application and the objection from the Town Council is overcome by the comments receive by the Middle Level Commissioners and the County Council Highways.


Mrs Jackson stated that the application is in outline form and is for up to 6 units and the number of dwellings along with the layout and scale can be discussed at a later stage if there are any concerns of over development. She stated that the proposal represents a technical acceptable form of development which will provide housing and, therefore, supports growth in a primary market town, and she asked the committee to consider approval of the proposal.


Members asked Mrs Jackson the following questions:

·       Councillor Gerstner asked whether the site is currently an agricultural field and being farmed? Mrs Jackson responded that it is currently in active agricultural use. Councillor Gerstner asked how much of the agricultural land will be lost if the application is approved? Mrs Jackson explained that the land in question is small, however, the applicants land ownership is much larger. Councillor Gerstner referred to the presentation screen and pointed out that he can see the field and Mrs Jackson explained the extra land that is currently being farmed to produce hay. Councillor Connor explained that it is Grade 3 agricultural land.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that she is surprised to see the application back at committee and she added that there are 18 letters of support for the application, but she is amazed where the letters of support are coming from, with them being received from Coldham Bank, Russell Avenue and Robingoodfellows Lane. She added that the officers have made the correct recommendation and if the application is approved it will mean that there is sprawling development along Upwell Road.

·       Councillor Gerstner stated that this is agricultural land, and he fully supports the officer’s recommendation and the views of Councillor Mrs French.

·       Councillor Marks stated that he concurs with the views of Councillors Gerstner and Mrs French, and he added that he is also concerned with regards to the speeding along Upwell Road. He made the point that there is already a speed hump in place and if there are accesses introduced it will only make matters worse. Councillor Marks expressed the opinion that March has expanded enough along Christchurch Road and Upwell Road does not need to expand any further out into the open countryside.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Marks and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Mrs French declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that she is a member of March Town Council, but takes no part in planning)

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