Agenda item

Feedback from Fenland Cultural Strategy Forum


Members considered feedback from the Fenland Culture Strategy Forum presented by Jamie-Lea Taylor.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Sennitt Clough stated she was concerned that no member of the committee is present at the Fenland Culture Strategy Forum and feels this would be worth addressing. Jamie-Lea Taylor agreed this would be a good idea as the Council now has this new committee.

·         Councillor Hoy stated that the feedback from the past has been that Council members should not be involved with arts and culture but now there is this newly formed committee she feels it is time to change the views of the past and use the committee to highlight the Heritage, Arts and Culture within the Fenland area.

·         Councillor Tierney agreed with Councillor Hoy and stated as a committee it is members responsibility to represent public opinion within the creativity of the arts and ensure the money is being spent to improve the heritage, arts and culture with the Fenland area having much to offer.

·         Councillor Hoy stated that with this new committee it will give members a chance to work alongside other committees to ensure the changes that are proposed work within other areas of the Council.

·         Councillor Count stated as a committee he feels everyone around the table can bring something to heritage, arts and culture within the Fenland area and stated he feels the committee has an important role to play in this area to represent the voice of the Fenland people.

·         Jamie-Lea Taylor thanked the panel for all the support for the new committee and she is looking forward to seeing what can be produced.

·         Phil Hughes stated before the committee was formed this came under the Steering Board which became very Council led rather than the sector leading, he stated things feel different with this committee and suggested a member of the committee sits on the Steering Board to have continued input and be able to communicate any findings between the two committees.

·         Councillor Sennitt Clough stated that Councillor Seaton originally held a seat on the Steering board, and she would ask him if this is something he would like to take up again. Jamie-Lea Taylor was asked to talk to the board to ensure this was acceptable. Councillor Tierney suggested that the Chairman and Vice Chairman would be ideal candidates to represent the new committee. Carol Pilson stated it would be a good idea if the Chairman, Councillor Sennitt Clough, was to sit in on the Steering Board and represent the Culture, Arts, and Heritage Executive Advisory Committee.

·         Jamie-Lea Taylor stated Councillor Seaton as Portfolio Holder was invited to attend the last Fenland Cultural Strategy Board (FCSB) meeting (1 December 2023) and he did attend. Councillor Sennitt Clough as Chair of Culture, Arts and Heritage was invited to attend the last FCSB meeting but she was unable to attend and sent apologies.

·         Phil Hughes stated the board will look at the funding as the District Council will be managing the budget.