Agenda item

Health & Safety Policy 2023

To review the Health & Safety Policy 2023 which has previously been presented to the Corporate Management Team and the Health and Safety Panel.


Members considered the Health and Safety Policy 2023 presented by David Vincent.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Gowler asked if the risk assessments are available on the intranet/internet. David Vincent responded that the Codes of Practice are on the intranet but not the completed document.

·         Councillor Gowler stated that he has found in practice risk assessments get logged onto a matrix but are forgotten about until they are reviewed again so can it be ensured that this does not happen? David Vincent responded that the information is collated on a yearly basis, a risk assessment register is used, all information is added to the list which is then collated and reported to CMT on a yearly basis. He stated that during the audit the levels of risk are looked at in depth and assessed as high, medium or low, with the paperwork checked to ensure it has been read, understood, signed and discussed at a team meeting. Councillor Gowler stated he was happy with the process.

·         Councillor Nawaz repeated that it is indicative of the Council’s strong commitment to its workforce, but this does not mean that the Council should not aim to improve. The goal is to aim for the best, hence working together to improve, but should the worse happen is there a corporate insurance policy to address any major incidents and who is responsible for the potholes? Peter Catchpole responded that potholes are not the responsibility of this Council, but the Council does have public liability insurance in place to cover what it is responsible for such as playgrounds, and incidents to the public and employees should the worst happen. Councillor Nawaz added that he just wanted to understand the Council is not going to receive a big compensation bill that is not covered. Peter Catchpole responded there is a very good comprehensive insurance cover in place and the policy renewal is led by a lead officer and worked on constantly. He added that any changes are welcome, and the challenge is to be the best the Council can be by working together. David Vincent responded that in relation to potholes, an employee was off for 45 days due to a pothole related accident. Highways were contacted, and this was followed up by them. He made the point that in 2005 there were 93 reported accidents and in 2023 there has been a significant drop, with 18 reported this year which shows the work being put in place is succeeding year on year.

·         Sam Anthony said she thought it appropriate to update the committee with regard to a previous meeting under the previous administration where the Drugs at Work Policy was discussed with an agreement to review it after six months following the introduction of digital fingerprint testing. This has proved to be more effective, delivering an immediate result which has meant staff can continue to be productive, returning to their post more quickly rather than not working whilst waiting for a result. So far 13 tests have been run in the past six-month period, and employees are tested on day one of a high-risk job. Sam Anthony suggested that perhaps a further review after another six months will be appropriate.

·         Councillor Gowler responded that he is happy with the work being undertaken to keep both employees and the public safe.

·         Councillor Christy added that he thought the report was very comprehensive and thanked Peter Catchpole, Sam Anthony and David Vincent for their contribution to this very important item.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs Davis, seconded by Councillor Gowler and AGREED to approve the Health and Safety Policy 2023.

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