Agenda item

Constitutional Amendments: Establishment of Executive Advisory Committees

To seek approval of the establishment of 3 new Executive Advisory Committees together with their terms of reference, membership and appointments and the associated changes to Fenland District Council’s Constitution.


Councillor Boden presented the report and reminded members that it was mentioned that these proposals would be brought forward at the last Full Council meeting and he is excited about what the possibilities are both for the Culture, Arts and Heritage Executive Advisory Committee and the Rural and Farming Executive Advisory Committee where there will be an opportunity for many members of the Council to contribute to areas where there is a real need to progress and for a voice to be given to sections of Fenland’s community that currently do not have the voice they should have. He stated that the Project Review Executive Advisory Committee is set up so the Overview and Scrutiny Panel is not overburdened, which has a full calendar of work anyway but where there may be some specific proposals where either Cabinet or another committee would like to ensure that more members are involved in consideration before a decision is made.


Councillor Boden stated that the Culture, Arts and Heritage Executive Advisory Committee and Rural and Farming Executive Advisory Committee will both be set up in the normal way with a Chairman and Vice-Chairman but that will not be the case with the Project Review Executive Advisory Committee where many individuals may be barred depending upon which particular committee is referring a matter to them so at that point a Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be elected for each individual project. He made the point that this will ensure more members are involved in the work of the Council, it will change some of the direction of the work of the Council and give greater prominence to Culture, Arts and Heritage and Rural and Farming and is probably something that is long overdue.


Members made comments as follows:

·       Councillor Miscandlon stated that with these three new committees coming forward it is right that more councillors are being involved in the actual work of the Council. He feels it is imperative, with a lot of new councillors, and a great way of learning how the Council works.

·       Councillor Booth referred to the Project Review Executive Advisory Committee where it says that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be one of the members who join the project board but wonders if this is too restrictive as there could be members that sit on this committee that have a particular expertise that are not the Chairman or Vice-Chairman.

·       Councillor Booth announced his appointments as follows:

o   Culture, Arts and Heritage – Councillor Hicks

o   Rural and Farming – Councillors J Clark and Roy

o   Projects – Councillors Booth and J Clark

He stated that it would be himself that sits on Audit and Risk Management Committee.

·       Councillor Boden expressed the opinion that this will be an opportunity not merely for the Council to expand the work that it does but to get more members and newer members involved in the work of the Council, which he feels can only be a good thing. He stated that the reason for having the arrangements of Chairman and Vice-Chairman to be decided at each meeting or project of the Project Review Executive Advisory Committee is because it will not be known which particular members would be excluded because they are a member of the committee which has referred the particular item and it does gives the opportunity for members with particular expertise to be the Chairman or Vice-Chairman for that one project.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Seaton and agreed that

·       the establishment of 3 new Executive Advisory Committees be approved as follows:

o   Culture, Arts and Heritage Executive Advisory Committee with 7 substantive and 5 substitute seats

o   Rural and Farming Executive Advisory Committee with 7 substantive and 5 substitute seats; and

o   Project Review Executive Advisory Committee with 11 substantive and 6 substitute seats;

·       the proposed amendments to the Constitution to reflect the changes set out at Paragraph 3.1 of the report and as set out in Appendix A be approved;

·       the proposed allocation of seats to the new and existing committees and panels in accordance with political proportionality requirements as set out in Appendix B in the column entitled ‘Adjusted’ be approved;

·       the proposed appointments to seats allocated in accordance with Paragraph 3.3 of the report and as set out in Appendix C be approved;

·       arrangements are made for the Culture, Arts and Heritage Executive Advisory Committee to meet three times per year and the Rural and Farming Executive Advisory Committee two times per year; and

·       consideration is given to the application of the Members’ Allowance Scheme to these committees as part of the IRP’s Review and future recommendation to Full Council.

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