Agenda item

Progress update on the Fenland Comprehensive Spending Review (FDC-CSR1)

To provide the Committee with a progress update setting out the achievement of savings required as per the Medium Term Financial Plan to 2021/22.


Members considered the Progress Update on the Fenland Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) report.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Boden said members had requested a report on the achievements of CSR1 and the prospects of CSR2. He said whilst the report discusses at length the success of CSR1, it was disappointing not to see any mention of transformation required in relation to CSR2 in the report. He explained that the savings derived from CSR1 were mainly transactional and therefore a more transformational approach needs to be considered as part of CSR2.

2.    Councillor Seaton stated that during the period of austerity, the Council has undergone a significant process of transformation in terms of how it operates as an organisation and delivers its services. On two separate occasions the Council has received national recognition showing it to be one of the most efficiently run Council’s in the country for the work it has undertaken to achieve savings and transform the organisation in a way that has largely protected important frontline services to residents. He said it is accepted that a number of the savings and income generated from the member led CSR1 decisions are transactional in nature. The terms of CSR2 are yet to be agreed by members, although it is likely there will be a range of both transformational and transactional options available in ensuring the Council achieves a sustainable balanced budget whilst seeking to maintain quality services to local people. He confirmed that officers will produce saving options for CSR2 to members at Full Council in May 2019.

3.    Councillor Booth asked that members are provided with a breakdown of the achieved targeted savings of CSR1. Councillor Seaton said it was important to understand that the Council have achieved the overall targeted savings but agreed to provide a breakdown of this.

4.    Councillor Boden said in paragraph 2.6 of the report (page 34 of the Agenda Pack) there is reference to uncertainties and ‘unknowns’ that may affect the Council. He asked if these have been quantified and included in the budget. Councillor Mrs Hay explained that the deficits are based on current budget with known changes and pressures on existing services and assumed income levels, including Council Tax increases. She added that the Council cannot include quantification of what is stated as unquantifiable. She confirmed that once these become known, the Medium Term Financial Plan will be updated to reflect any deficits.

5.    Councillor Booth said paragraph 4.1 of the report (page 34 of the Agenda Pack) states that ‘the Council have maintained front line services through alternative service delivery models’. He highlighted that many service areas have been cut back and asked the wording to be amended. Councillor Seaton agreed.

6.    Councillor Boden asked what the cumulative total savings are for CSR1 to the Council. Councillor Mrs Hay clarified that the report shows that when all of the CSR1 projects are delivered, the cumulative saving is estimated to be £1.802 million per annum.

7.    Councillor Booth highlighted the importance of the Economic Development Review Group’s work and the impacts their findings may have on helping the Council improve their savings.

8.    Councillor Boden said he was concerned by the potential cost of unknowns that could affect the Council as this could be significantly greater than any savings. He hopes the Economic Development Review Group will find areas in which the Council can increase their income in some areas.


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