Agenda item

Adoption of South East March Broad Concept Plan

To consider adoption of the Broad Concept Plan.


David Rowen presented the report to members and drew attention to the update report that had been circulated.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Will and Andrew Hodgson, the agents. Will Hodgson stated that he is Strategic Land Manager at Barratt David Wilson Peterborough office and is leading on this site. He advised that Barratt David Wilson control 65% of the site and that is via way of option agreement or ownership and two of the other site promoters include Cannon Kirk Developments and March East Developments Ltd and they have been in discussion with both of these promoters throughout the BCP process and both support the principle of development on the site.


Will Hodgson stated from the outset their strategy has been to ensure the whole allocation can be delivered comprehensively in line with policy and, therefore, the BCP has been produced to ensure this is the case. He advised that they have provided access to the whole site and there is a comprehensive drainage strategy for the whole site and the site has been parcelled up in an equitable way to ensure a equitable number of houses can be delivered on each landowners parcel.


Will Hodgson expressed the opinion that going forward it is their intention to submit an Outline application next month for up to 425 dwellings out of the total of 650, just on the land that they control, and it would then lead to other landowners to prepare their own planning applications to deliver their land holdings, which one landowner has already done. He stated that the site would be delivered with both their house building brands, being Barratt and David Wilson, and this combination brings forward a greater house type, variety and choice for their customers as well as enhancing the ability to propose a master plan, different character areas and design traits.


Will Hodgson stated they are committed to delivering the scheme alongside the Council and the proposals set out in the BCP document are deliverable with the land under its control allowing initial phases of the site to be delivered in a timely manner whilst not prejudicing the development on the adjacent land. He feels this is a fantastic opportunity to create a legacy for the growth of March and urged members to support the application.


Andrew Hodgson stated that it is important to get BCP in place but it is also important that they engage with statutory consultees, which they have done and they are also in the process of producing a planning application for the site so have had engagement with the Lead Local Flood Authority and Highways, with the discussions being well advanced and those discussions have been fed into the BCP. He made the point that this is a BCP and the details in relation to technical matters will be in the planning application but they have tried to identify in the BCP what the scheme is going to look like, how it is going to be accessed and how they anticipate the development parcels to look so the planning application should not be too much different to what can be seen in the BCP.


Andrew Hodgson advised that the parcels will be delivered in phases and discussions are on-going with Cannon Kirk and there is already an application for another parcel of land in the BCP area. He stated that Barrett David Wilson have allowed access into all of the parcels across the site so there will be no ransom situations, with there being an application in on the north-west parcel which accesses from Barkers Lane but if that was not to be achieved there is still opportunity to access that parcel through their site and they want to develop the site comprehensively and he is sure the landowners will come together to achieve this.


Members asked questions of Will Hodgson and Andrew Hodgson as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French referred to mention that in a few months time an Outline application will be submitted and asked why only Outline and not Full? Will Hodgson responded that it is mainly a business decision from Barrett’s as full applications tend to take a long time and they want to get Outline secured and then carry on with Reserved Matters as soon as Outline permission is received, the way they phase their programme ensures there are no delays and they are already preparing a Reserved Matters in the background.

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that as a member of eleven drainage boards she is concerned around drainage in this area and know there are issues in the vicinity, especially Barkers Lane, but is aware of the separate application. She referred to the offer to March Town Council of allotments, which they are unable to take on, and suggested that they talk to Fenland Farmers who are working on a programme of community gardens. Andrew Hodgson responded that they have had that discussion and have now substituted this for a community garden scheme.

·       Councillor Mrs Davis referred to a statement made that there is a full drainage plan but in the update members have received it says “in view of the potential impermeable area created it is suggested that the illustrative attenuation ponds shown are too small and in the wrong location” and also “the shape and dimensions of the attenuation pond are a key consideration” so obviously this is going to be part of the Outline application but asked if they are talking to the Lead Local Flood Authority? Andrew Hodgson responded that they have tried to engage with Middle Level Commissioners at an early stage but did not have a response until last week just before the plan came before committee so have not had time to respond to their comments and some of their comments are very specific to the details of the scheme so a letter was submitted to try and address those points but a lot of the points will be picked up at the detailed Outline stage. He advised that they have no objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority and a lot of the Middle Level comments were quite detailed and they need to look at these with their engineers to see if anything needs to be changed.

·       Councillor Marks asked when the initial letter was submitted to the drainage board? Will Hodgson responded that the initial letter was in February and there has been various follow ups seeking responses but nothing had been received until the end of the last week to the Council and the note they have sent back to the Council on Monday includes a timeline of events in terms of approaches they have made with Middle Level.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that she is pleased to see that something is actually happening, it has been on the cards for many years but she is seriously concerned about flooding, she has spoken to Middle Level and the relevant drainage boards and they will respond to the applicant accordingly. She made the point that she understands that there are serious upgrades needed by the drainage boards and they do not have the funding so she feels the applicant is going to have to speak to them and see how they can assist as whilst it might not be now it is the impact 25 years down the line.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Mrs Davis and agreed that the Broad Concept Plan for South-East March be ADOPTED as per officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Mrs French declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that she is a member of March Town Council but takes no part in planning)


(Councillor Mrs French declared, under Paragraph 2 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that March Town Council had received correspondence in relation to this item but regarding access for future applications)

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