Agenda item

Land East of 12 Eastwood End, Wimblington
Erect 1no dwelling (outline application with all matters reserved)

To determine the application.


Nikki Carter presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Ian Gowler, the agent. Mr Gowler stated that the application is for a single plot which would make an ideal single family home or self-build property. He referred to the committee report describing this application as being sub-standard due to it being backland when Eastwood End is primarily linear development and made the point that the existing Rhonda Park is located 150 metres along Eastwood End, which is a development already in depth which was approved some years ago.


Mr Gowler referred to a photo on the presentation screen which shows an application that was recently submitted and approved by the committee of 9 dwellings also in depth, therefore, in his view, the statement of linear development is not as true as it may seem. He expressed the opinion that there has also been recently approved a barn conversion to the west of the site which will also introduce some backland development, although this was given under the Prior Notification system it will introduce that residential feel in a backland situation.


Mr Gowler noted that a further reason for refusal is the effect on neighbours in terms of noise and loss of privacy but made the point that as this is an Outline application the details of this could easily be resolved during the Reserved Matters with careful design of either a single-storey or chalet bungalow to avoid any overlooking. He expressed the view that the site has no effect on the open countryside, is not in the flood zone and with a development of 3 dwellings further to the south is very similar in appearance.


Members asked questions of Mr Gowler as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French asked what is different about this application to the previous one? Mr Gowler responded nothing apart from the fact that the surrounding area has had more growth approved.

·       Councillor Imafidon asked for clarification that it is going to be a single family dwelling and has the application been submitted with someone in mind to live there or is it going to be sold. Mr Gowler responded that it is only outline at the moment but the size of the indicative property would be a small family dwelling and his client if given approval is not sure whether he will build it and sell it on the open market or whether he will sell the plot as the plot size makes it an ideal self-build plot but the final design is not set.


Nick Harding made the point that the application is for a market house rather than a self-build.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Benney stated that he thinks officers have got the recommendation correct on this application, this is backland referring to the sites shown by the agent on the presentation screen, with one being for 9 dwellings and one being passed on appeal, and nothing has changed on this application to the previous one, it was refused before there is nothing new and he feels this should also be refused.

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that she cannot see any difference and it was confirmed by the agent there is no difference, there is always talk about consistency so the officers have got this right and committee would, in her view, look foolish to overturn this application when it was previously refused.

·       Councillor Mrs Davis stated that it is on record that an application was refused at 30 Eastwood End for a similar scheme being backland development and in the interests of consistency this application should be refused.

·       Councillor Mrs French pointed out the comments of the Parish Council and this needs to be taken into serious consideration.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Marks registered that the applicant is known to him via business and took no part in the discussion and voting thereon. Councillor Mrs Davis chaired this item)


(Councillor Mrs Davis declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct, that she is Chairman of Wimblington Parish Council, but takes no part in planning)


(Councillor Benney registered that the agent is the brother of a fellow Chatteris Town and Fenland District Councillor but he does not associate with the agent and it will have no bearing on his determination of this application)

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