Agenda item

Progress in Delivering the Economy Corporate Objectives to Include Planning 2022/23

To consider and note the progress in delivering the Economy Corporate Objectives to include Planning 2022/23.


Members considered the Progress of Delivering the Economy Corporate Objectives to include Planning for 2022/23 presented by Councillor Benney, Nick Harding and Simon Jackson.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows: 

·         Councillor Miscandlon said that Growth Works are holding businesses events in Huntingdon and Peterborough and asked why they have not considered doing the same in the four Fenland market towns. Simon Jackson responded that there is a conversation about holding a similar event in Fenland and there had already been a successful event in Wisbech. He added that the team has a relationship with some thirty to forty businesses, but the biggest issue found when speaking to them is both a lack of skills, and a lack of people coming through the door whether they are skilled or not. They do engage with local colleges and there is a new, proactive chairman in the Chamber of Commerce Committee who would like to work with FDC, however any event must be focussed and have an outcome rather than be held for the sake of it.

·         Councillor Miscandlon said there is a proposed science park in Kings Dyke so it is important to engage now with companies that may occupy the site that may be wanting to employ. Simon Jackson advised that a significant amount of time has been spent with the site owner and his agent and agreed that there should be some exciting opportunities going forward. Following a call for sites they had submitted an application to be in the local plan and later this year should be submitting a plan for the Victory works site.

·         Councillor Mason asked if there was a timescale for that application. Simon Jackson replied that the latest information he has is only that the agent will be submitting an application for the area known as Victory works, not including the pit, sometime this year.

·         Councillor Hay said that she has been hearing from businesses that they are against expanding because of a lack of good infrastructure. Dualling of the A47 and a March to Wisbech railway line need looking at as an example. Nick Harding acknowledged there is a need to keep up the momentum regarding the A47 to get the ear of Government as it would make such a difference to the economic future of the area and in terms of the Wisbech Access Study, staff are pushing for consideration of junctions that are not yet funded to ensure they do receive the required funding. Councillor Wicks said it was also not important to forget the Ely north junction.

·         Councillor Mason said that in respect of the A47 dualling, there has been a business case and land acquired but there is an opinion that until there is development beyond Kings Lynn, there may not be much milage in economy for the area. Simon Jackson said this does not stop the significant number of enquiries received from businesses looking to move into the area. The biggest block is surface land availability. He agreed there are many issues regarding transport, and better transport access would help but he has not heard of it being a major block. Dualling would be a significant boost no doubt, but people do get used to what they have got.

·         Councillor Benney said that a relief road at Whittlesey would be a big boost from Fenland into Peterborough. It would open up industrial land as vehicles go through the town and make access harder into industrial areas. He added that four years ago when he was given his role as portfolio holder for economic growth there was no economic growth team, there was just one officer who was overworked. He recalled that there was not even a list of businesses in Fenland. Now there are two officers he is proud to work with in Simon Jackson and Ann Wardle, along with Anna Goodall and economic growth has come on in leaps and bounds. Now with the addition of an administrator, the team has grown and achieved so much in these four years, particularly in providing a foundation for good growth and this bodes well for the future. He also meets regularly with Mark Greenwood, Head of Property, Assets and Major Projects, to keep abreast of what is going on and he would like to take this opportunity to thank every member of the team publicly in case he is not re-elected at the forthcoming district council elections in May.

·         Councillor Miscandlon said this was one occasion when the portfolio holder and officers can blow their own trumpet and congratulated them on a job well done. Councillor Mason agreed but added that Fenland also needs to receive its fair share of investment from the Combined Authority if it is to move forward.

·         Councillor Miscandlon noted that the report incorrectly stated that the Whittlesey Heritage Visitor Centre project had been cancelled and asked if this can be altered as the project had only been suspended. Councillor Boden agreed this was an error and confirmed that the project had been suspended and not cancelled. We are actively looking for an alternative site and for additional funding from a third-party source.


The progress of Delivering the Economy Corporate Objectives to include Planning 2022/23 was noted for information.

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