Agenda item

F/YR22/0768/F and F/YR22/0769/LB
1 - 3 Bridge Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire
F/YR22/0768/F - Change of use from retail and offices to 2 commercial units (use class E) and 33 flats (1-bedroom) with associated alterations and removal of glass roof and F/YR22/0769/LB - Internal and external alterations to a listed building to enable change of use from retail and offices to 2 commercial units (use class E) and 33 flats (1-bedroom) with associated alterations and removal of glass roof

To determine the application.



David Rowen presented the report to members.


The committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Mr Garnett, the agent. Mr Garnett thanked the planning and conservation officers for working proactively with them to achieve a scheme that is recommended for approval and where they have been able to address in full all technical planning matters that have been raised by consultees. He stated that this site is a prominent location in the heart of the town centre and Wisbech Conservation Area, with the former post office being Grade II Listed and the former telephone exchange having been vacant for some years, some parts since 2009, and, in his opinion, this proposal represents an opportunity to bring the buildings back into beneficial use.


Mr Garnett expressed the view that there is an increasing number of vacant buildings in central Wisbech reflecting low property values and the economic impacts since the Covid-19 pandemic. He stated that his client specialises in the refurbishment and conversion of historic buildings and this project represents a substantial investment in the town, contributing to the vitality and viability of the town centre through the retained commercial element and increasing the number of people living in the town centre and relying on the local services.


Mr Garnett expressed the opinion that the key planning issues are clearly set out in the officer’s report, namely the principle of development, the impacts on a heritage asset, residential amenity, parking, highways and flood risk. He made the point that this is a brownfield site in one of Fenland’s main towns where the Local Plan seeks to focus housing development and to achieve the efficient use of land.


Mr Garnett stated that officers conclude that the change of use is acceptable as a matter of principle, there will be no harm to the Listed Building or Conservation Area as evidenced by the comprehensive comments made by the Conservation specialist who notes the public benefits of the scheme. He stated that a number of detailed points have been addressed raised by the Wisbech Society about the historic fabric of the building and officers conclude that the level of residential amenity will be acceptable for future residents.


Mr Garnett noted some consultee comments about the preference for two and three bedroom apartments but the economic reality is that such a scheme would not be financially viable when resultant values are compared to the cost of conversion and made the point that the Council does not have any minimum space standards in either its existing or emerging Local Plan and in Paragraph 13.37 of the draft Local Plan it states there is strong evidence to indicate that the viability of development would be compromised if such standards were imposed on development. He expressed the view that the scheme will provide good quality accommodation delivered through a high quality three million pound conversion scheme and his client has asked him to stress that the development will be well managed through a resident on-site manager to relay any fears in this regard, which will assist the maintenance of the building as well as helping residents with any issues.


Mr Garnett referred to parking provision where officers conclude that given the very sustainable town centre location this is not required and there are no objections on flood risk grounds. He concluded that this is a scheme that is fully policy compliant and recommended for approval by officers, bringing a vacant and neglected building back into use helping the much needed regeneration of Wisbech town centre and asked committee to approve the scheme.


Members asked questions of Mr Garnett as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French referred to the proposal being to turn part into two commercial units in Use Class E and asked if he had any idea what these might be? Mr Garnett responded that it is very flexible now since the use classes have changed but there is no one in line to occupy these units at present.


Members asked officers questions as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs Mayor referred to the mention that some of the units are below minimum size requirements and asked how many units this was? David Rowen responded that it is set out at Page 159 of the agenda, Paragraph 3.4, with the standard space requirement being 37 square metres and 10 would be under this.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that she feels like Councillor Mrs Mayor the space is a bit tight but this is a Grade II Listed Building, which has been empty for many years and she feels it is good that someone wants to invest in Wisbech so she will be supporting it.

·       Councillor Murphy agreed with Councillor Mrs French and he would personally like to congratulate the applicant for keeping the building as it is, it is a wonderful building and it also has a very large bin store which is normally put in a small tight space and also a cycle store to get cycles off the street. He feels it is a terrific application and he will support it.

·       Councillor Cornwell agreed, it has been an empty property for too long, this proposal brings it back into use and hopefully it serves a purpose, with it not being an HMO. He stated that although some of the flats are slightly small, he feels the applicant should be congratulated on the proposals for the building.

·       Councillor Sutton agreed with what members were saying, it is nice to see that somebody is coming along to make good this building rather than wait for them to fall down. He referred to parking and expressed surprise that this has not risen its head, he used to go in the building when he was a member of a group called Fenland Links several years ago and he would guess those two buildings would have quite considerably more than 33 people working in them so in terms of parking it is probably less than it would be if they were commercial buildings.   




Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Skoulding and agreed that the application be GRANTED as per the officer’s recommendation.




Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Skoulding and agreed that the application be GRANTED as per the officer’s recommendation.

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