Agenda item

To receive questions from, and provide answers to, councillors in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Chairman, accord with the provisions of Procedure Rules 8.4 and 8.6.


No questions had been submitted under Procedure Rule 8.6 and Councillor Booth, as leader of the main opposition group, asked questions under Procedure Rule 8.4 as follows:


·       Councillor Booth asked for an update on the 11-12 High Street, Wisbech project. Councillor Seaton advised that a full update on the project was included in the report recently tabled at Overview &Scrutiny on 18 February titled ‘Progress in Delivering the Environment Corporate Objectives’. However, he advised the owner of these derelict properties has acknowledged they were unable to progress an application and redevelopment scheme and the project team has been working hard to ensure FDC does not lose the opportunity to address this site under the scheme and lose the significant HLF grant available. With the assistance of shared Peterborough City Council legal services and with members support, the purchase of the site was negotiated with the owner and completion occurred at the end of January 2019. In parallel with the acquisition work, officers have been looking at options for redevelopment of the site, including detailed engagement with the previously identified potential developer, as well as outlining alternative plans should this not progress to the satisfaction of all involved. The intended developer has now received all relevant details of the buildings along with the Council’s preferred transfer legal arrangement which will involve FDC retaining the property with a sole build lease to the developer on which the site will transfer to the developer on completion of works and grant draw down. The developer is in the process of forwarding financial data and works programme and the Council is preparing the legal build lease documentation. Once agreements are in place, updates will be provided to members and posted on the High Street website, which contains regular updates whereby members can follow progress on the overall HLF project. 


·       Councillor Booth thanked Councillor Seaton for the information and asked if the Combined Authority (CA) is involved? Councillor Seaton stated the only involvement it has is in acting as a safeguard in that if, for any reason, the developer should not be able to complete the development, we have a commitment from the CA to fund the remaining part of the development to completion.   


·       Councillor Booth asked for an update on the purchasing of new equipment for council meetings, are we still hiring equipment, such as the audio system, and what expenditure has been incurred to date? Councillor Seaton replied that the Council is in the process of procuring new AV equipment for use at Council meetings and aim to have the new equipment in place by the next Council meeting on 23 May. Meanwhile, equipment is still currently being hired at a cost of approximately £1657 per Council meeting and the total cost of hiring AV equipment to date is around £13k. He suggested, for a more detailed explanation, this question should be asked of the Portfolio Holder at portfolio holder questions. 


·       Councillor Booth referred to a recent report on recycling on BBC Look East which stated that Fenland has the biggest drop in recycling in this area and asked for thoughts or comments on this. Councillor Seaton advised that Councillor Murphy would have more information on this in portfolio holder questions, but it should be noted that that the way figures were portrayed in the report were not giving the full picture.