To determine the application.
David Rowen presented the report to members.
The committee had regard to its inspection of the site ( as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.
Members asked officers the following questions:
· Councillor Cornwell stated that there had been some discussion concerning the statement that the design of this monstrosity was acceptable, and he asked whether there was any possibility that the housing of the substation could be made to look a little bit like the Boathouse rather than a brick-built structure with a flat roof. He added he would prefer to see a more modern finish on the structure which could be timber so that it actually fits in with the surroundings rather than it being a brick-built eyesore. Councillor Cornwell expressed the view that he has no problems with the electricity substation itself, but he would like to see it sited so that it fits in with the award-winning design namely The Boathouse that it will be next door to. David Rowen stated that condition 2 that is recommended does explain the full details of the materials to be used for the external walls to be submitted and approved in writing before the substation is built and if members request a higher standard of materials that is something that could be potentially added as an informative on the decision notice, however, he does not think that it would be possible to be too prescriptive about that as there are safety issues to be considered.
· Councillor Cornwell made the point that wood can catch fire and the safety elements of the proposal do need to be considered and he would consider brickwork in this case.
· Councillor Sutton stated that in terms of cladding it would make no difference to the fire risk because the fire protection and fire risk would be the brick part and with regards to cladding that will make no difference if the substation catches fire.
· Nick Harding stated that the concern that officers have is that there may well be a specification that the electricity company has to work to which would then prevent doing all the additional elements to it and as David Rowen has stated officers would see if members wishes are feasible but there can be no guarantee. He added that in terms of the railings around the block, if there is a particular style of railings used in the promenade area at The Boathouse then consideration could possibly be given to replicate that design for the substation in the informative with the permission if it is granted.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Murphy stated that he does not see the point of debating this proposal as it needs to be on site and is supposed to be there and it is required for any possible future development in the vicinity. He added there is nothing wrong with it and substations are in place all over the country without any enhancements.
· Councillor Connor explained that Councillor Cornwell is quite adamant that he would like to see a better design.
· Councillor Cornwell made the point that he has no issue whatsoever concerning the need for the electricity substation, but the point he was making was concerning the visual impact within its setting and it could be made to look better.
· Councillor Mrs French stated the officers have explained that they will try to obtain a good design, and, in her view, members should accept that.
· Councillor Sutton made the point that whilst he appreciates that a substation needs to be there and the fact that they are in place all over the country he agrees that consideration can still be given to ensuring that the design can be made to look more attractive. He added that he has knowledge of a water pumping station in the middle of a housing estate which has been made to look attractive and has palisade fencing around it and wooden cladding, so it can be done, has been done and should be done.
Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Mrs Davis that the application be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation.
Members requested that an informative be added with regards to making the external fabric of the substation more attractive if that is feasible.
(Mrs French and Murphy declared that, whilst they are both members of the Cabinet, they are not pre-determined on this application and will approach it with an open mind)
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