Agenda item

Land South of Hall Bank, Tydd St Giles
Erect up to 8 x dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access)

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members and drew members attention to the update report that had been circulated.


The committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent. Mrs Jackson stated that the application submitted is for up to eight dwellings and has been submitted in outline format with only matters of access committed for consideration at this stage, with the application being recommended for refusal for reasons of principal flood risk and highways. She explained that there are limited opportunities within the existing built up footprint in the village to achieve new development and no new housing allocations which have not already commenced have been proposed in Tydd St Giles in the emerging Local Plan which she stated has given cause for concern from the Parish Council who have recently posted on social media that the plan for their area is too restrictive and without any further development within the next 18 years the village will be non-existent, with them also expressing the view that they need to see the provision for some housing to go ahead.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that although they have raised concerns the proposal does represent an opportunity to meet the aspirations of the Parish Council, with the proposal providing eight dwellings which will adjoin the existing built form and would reflect the former nature of the development which can be seen on the other side of the village at Kirkgate. She stated that the plots are large enough to accommodate family sized dwellings which would help to support the local services and facilities including the local primary school which will enable the village to continue to be a nice place to live and that the principle of development, in her view, can be supported on the grounds of the benefit which will be brought to the settlement.


Mrs Jackson referred to flood risk, with it being a known fact that a great deal of the land within Fenland is at high risk of flooding and due to this fact, many applications that come before the committee will be in Flood Zone 3. She explained that a sequential test has been undertaken which has proven that there is no sequentially preferable land available within the village and the reason for refusal states that the search area for the land for development should be the whole of the district given the location of the site, however, she disputes that point, given that the dwellings in questions would serve the local amenities and facilities in the village, the area for search should be Tydd St Giles itself.


Mrs Jackson stated that given the characteristics of the area any new development in or around Tydd St Giles is likely to be on land at high risk of flooding and if new development is to be accepted in the village, there must be the acceptance that it will be on Flood Zone 3 land. She made the point that she has provided a Flood Risk Assessment which shows that the dwellings will be technically safe from flooding which has also been accepted by the Environment Agency.


Mrs Jackson explained that with regards to the concerns over Highways the clarification required by the local Highway Authority can be provided and, in her opinion, the proposal will bring significant benefits in terms of providing housing which will support the ongoing vitality of the village, there will be no harm caused by the development, which has been cited in the reasons for refusal and the benefits will outweigh any perceived harm.


Members asked questions, made comments, and received responses as follows:

·       Councillor Sutton stated that he has considered the points raised by the Agent with regards to the views of the Parish Council who are concerned about the emerging Local Plan and the lack of extra development proposed for the village, however, they have also pointed out that they are not in favour of the application in this proposed location. In his opinion, the application is in an elsewhere location and he does not think that it is the right place to build. Councillor Sutton expressed the view that there are far better locations to build on which are closer to the village and he will support the officer’s recommendation.

·       Councillor Mrs French stated that she also agrees with the points made by Councillor Sutton, and she will also support the officer’s recommendation.


Proposed by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.

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