Agenda item

Tree Risk Management and Planning and Tree work

To consider an overview of the proposed tree risk management strategy and the proposed appointment of an arborist to manage both the Council's tree risk process and planning matters concerning trees.


Members considered the Tree Risk Management and Planning and Tree Work report presented by Phil Hughes.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs French said that she welcomes this and asked if the Council has a tree policy. Phil Hughes replied that there is not currently one in place but attached to the report is a Code of Practice. Councillor Mrs French stated that the Council must have a proper policy as it manages thousands of trees in parks across the district but repeated that she particularly welcomes this as some of the new trees recently planted in March West End Park for the Queen’s Canopy were vandalised. Furthermore, it will not cost the Council much money and will save the potential for being sued or the possibility of the Chief Executive facing charges of corporate manslaughter, which could happen if a branch falls and kills someone. In her view, a policy should be in place as soon as possible.

·         Councillor Wicks stated he also welcomes this as a starting point; he has had long and detailed conversations on the matter over many years. In his opinion with the number of trees in Fenland it is so important that they are subject to regular scrutiny, and he agrees with Councillor Mrs French that there should be a policy in place to reinforce this. Phil Hughes commented that it should be noted, as mentioned in the report, that it will mitigate the risk but will never completely remove it. Once all the trees have been inspected, it will reduce the risk to the Council and the community and make the system more robust.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis said that she also welcomes the report, she supports it whole heartedly and added that a policy is needed. 

·         Councillor Wicks asked if there will be a mechanism whereby members can highlight their areas of concern to aid the ongoing survey. Phil Hughes replied that members can always report concerns to the email address: parks& which will be passed onto the officer undertaking the inspections. He added that the survey will be a formal assessment with a particular piece of software which will record each individual assessment so the background data will be there along with evidence that the work has been undertaken.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis asked if the arborist working with the Planning Team would be on call as she knew of occasions when people have chopped down trees with preservation orders on them as it was too late to prevent it by the time the relevant contact at the Council had been found. Phil Hughes said he could not confirm that they would be on call but if the Council has a full-time officer and they are working on that day, they would be able to get to the location to assess the situation. Nick Harding added that there will be a greater opportunity for the Council to be able to react if someone is available rather than is currently the case.

·         Councillor Mrs French stated her concern that the person employed to deal with the trees is not then side-tracked and inundated with Planning work, so they are unable to deal with the trees for which they will be employed. She therefore suggested a six-monthly report on how the tree work is going. Phil Hughes agreed that this would be provided.

·         Councillor Mockett suggested the report detail the time spent on planning against the time spent surveying trees. Councillor Mrs French said that there would be an element of time spent in Planning to look at tree preservation orders etc. but she would not want to find they were spending most of their time working on planning matters. Councillor Mockett added that is why he suggested the breakdown in the report. Phil Hughes added that it will not be a question of the officer working two days a week for Planning and the rest of the time on tree safety management; there will be a flexible and sensible approach to managing the team and he will work closely with Planning colleagues on that.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Mockett and AGREED to note the report and approve the proposed addition of a tree specialist to the Council’s establishment.

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