Agenda item

Economic Growth Strategic Refresh 2022-25

For Council to consider and approve the Economic Growth Strategic Refresh 2022-25.


Members considered the Economic Growth Strategic Refresh 2022/25 report presented by Councillor Benney.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Yeulett asked what forums and meetings were in place for current business leaders to meet with the Council and if any were in place had they been useful? Councillor Benney stated that there were no specific meetings within Fenland which have been set up to invite businesses in to discuss their requirements, although it is something that has been discussed with officers. He added that he has discussed with officers the possibility of holding breakfast or lunch meetings, but one of the factors being considered is who to target and who to invite and although it is still being discussed it has not been brought forward to date. Councillor Benney added that the Economic Growth Team are pushing forward ideas and projects that the team have instigated and continue to work on those that have proved to be successful. He stated that if any meetings are arranged for businesses, he will ensure that all members are made aware. Councillor Yeulett stated that he is aware that businesses by their very nature are competitive and by meeting together there is the opportunity for expertise to be shared by networking. Councillor Benney stated that he has accompanied officers on a number of visits to local businesses and one of the common concerns for businesses appears to be problems surrounding recruitment and the trained staff that they require. He added that businesses are also finding it difficult in finding suitable premises when looking to relocate due to expansion. Councillor Benney stated that some businesses are in competition with each other and do not want to engage although he appreciates the point that businesses can learn from each other.

·         Councillor Miscandlon stated that many businesses are considering employing apprentices in order to grow the skill set that their companies need for future development, and that the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) wholeheartedly support this.

·         Councillor Benney stated in Chatteris there is the Stainless Metalcraft Training Centre and the CPCA have contributed £3.2 million pounds into that centre and the Growing Fenland Project has also assisted with computer equipment and desks for the building as it will be used by the whole area and local people, not just for the business. He stated that it is a big success for the area and Councillor Miscandlon stated that he applauds the project.

·         Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Benney for responses and clarification on a number of points from within the report. He referred to Page 183 at 4.1 where it states that there is clear evidence that the Council plays a vital role with regards to economic growth, and he questioned where he can find the evidence? He also referred to page 197, point 3, and asked for clarification with regards to the figure shown for the number of persons employed within the hospitality business. In reference to Page 205, where it mentions flood risk, he feels that given that the biggest employment within the area is in agriculture, in his view, it should have stated flood risk and drought due to the fact that, in terms of food supply, drought would have a bigger risk than that of flood.  Finally, he referred to Page 207 where it makes reference to outcomes, actions and measurables with a deadline date of June 2022 and asked how confident Councillor Benney is that the deadline date will be met as, in his opinion, the target date of the end of June appears to be quite ambitious. Councillor Benney stated that with regards to flood risk, a great deal of that is weather dependent which is something he has no control over. He added that with regard to the statement made by Councillor Sutton concerning targets, in his opinion, when working with economic growth, targets have to be set and he welcomes high targets and if they are not achieved then so be it but at least the aim is high and if the targets appear to be high that is because the Economic Growth Team aspire to aim high and if necessary, the targets can be readjusted accordingly. Councillor Sutton stated that there is nothing wrong with aiming high but, in his view, he thinks some of the targets are unachievable.

·         Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Benney how confident he is that from an economic growth perspective the Council can strive to get in the position it wants to be in without a member of the Corporate Management Team in post? Councillor Benney stated that he has the full support of the Chief Executive, Paul Medd, and that the whole of the Economic Growth Team work with the Chief Executive and, therefore, in his opinion, it is led from the top.

·         Councillor Hoy stated that she had attended a recent meeting which Dr Nik Johnson, the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, was at and a member of the public had referred to the potential loss of a local bus service highlighting that if they cannot get to a town centre to use the facilities then that is an economic loss to that town. She expressed the view that when people talk about public transport, they state that it is good for their health and wellbeing or the carbon neutral effects, with the economic benefits never being mentioned and she would imagine that there should be a calculation to demonstrate the cost of running the service, against the loss of service and the impact that would have on local businesses. Councillor Hoy expressed the view that it maybe something that can be explored going forward.

·         Councillor Benney stated that if data were to be analysed at that level there would need to be a specific team employed to look at data and statistics which, in his opinion, is not viable.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and AGREED that the Economic Growth Strategic Refresh 2022-25 be approved.


(Councillor Tanfield left the meeting at 6.09pm and Councillor Patrick left the meeting at 6.15pm during the discussion on this item and were not present at the vote. They were not present for the consideration of the remaining agenda items)

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