Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:

·         Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that she noted from the report that numerous tree works have been competed across the district with a programme of new tree planting continuing during the Winter and questioned why new trees are being planted when existing trees that require works are not being maintained, which is necessary to allow proper growth and to ensure that trees remain safe. She queried why so many trees have been planted in Whittlesey Cemetery, when the existing trees that are already on site require works, and it is her understanding that the contractors do not have anybody qualified to undertake the tree works and in instances where urgent works are required the Council has to employ another contractor. Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that she has repeatedly asked for an oak tree which is sited in Queen Street in Whittlesey to be pruned, specifically prior to Remembrance Day in 2020 and 2021 and although she had been advised that the works had been undertaken, in her opinion, the tree had only received a light trim which ensured that the Union Flag at the site of the war memorial was able to fly freely. She explained that she has been advised that for a tree specialist to be able to undertake works to the tree a road closure is required and that although the road was closed in order to facilitate an event in December, the tree was unfortunately damaged as it was struck by a bus who inadvertently drove into the road and she stated that works to the tree have still not been undertaken as of the end of February 2022. Councillor Mrs Mayor questioned why so many trees have been planted in Whittlesey Cemetery specifically in the proximity of the very old graves, where the tree roots could cause issues to the plots and the remains contained within the plots. Councillor Murphy responded that when specialised tree works are required the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces contractor, Tivoli, request that a specialist sub-contractor is called in to support them, with this being a cost effective arrangement that is working very well as the Council has not had a specialist tree contractor in place for over four years and the current approach is cost effective as a tree team consists of at least two specialist staff who would not be used all the time. He added that the Council undertakes tree work regularly to maintain the stock which consists of 3,500 trees, and he explained that a good example of this is the recent proactive works which were carried out at the Manor Field. Councillor Murphy referred to the trees in Whittlesey Cemetery and stated that they are assessed informally on a regular basis by the Open Spaces Team. He added that any minor tree works can be undertaken by Tivoli, the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces contractor and any works identified by the Council’s Horticultural Officer has resulted previously in specialists being employed to deal with trees in high footfall areas and any necessary safety works which have been identified have been carried out. Councillor Murphy advised members that it is the intention of the Council to implement a tree safety assessment process which will include a formal safety assessment of trees and identify any safety works deemed as necessary. In relation to the tree in Queen Street that Councillor Mrs Mayor had highlighted, Councillor Murphy explained that the tree had been pruned to ensure that the Remembrance Day event and Christmas event arrangements went ahead without any tree issues but if any more comprehensive works are required then it can be arranged but it would be at an additional cost as it would necessitate a road closure and a tree team with specialist equipment to carry out the works. He stated that with regard to the volume of trees planted in Whittlesey Cemetery, it is not uncommon for trees to be planted within cemeteries and Yew trees are a traditional variety that are planted, with other significant species being planted for tree avenues, explaining that Fenland has many cemeteries and open spaces which can be used for reflection as well as the opportunity to enjoy nature. Councillor Murphy expressed the view that the three best cemeteries are Station Road in March and the two cemeteries in Chatteris, which all feature significant trees, with the trees that have been planted in Whittlesey will, over time, add additional character and enhance the biodiversity of the open space and encourage bird and insect populations and the trees have been planted in the manner so as not to interfere with historic plots. 

·         Councillor Miss French asked Councillor Boden if he could provide the details that has been paid out in respect of Covid Business Support grants? Councillor Boden responded that as of 22 February 2022 that total amount of money that the Council had paid out in respect of support grants and business grants was £36,419,607 with more than half of that being paid during the first lockdown. He explained that the funding payments are still ongoing for the final element of the additional restrictions grant and the Omicron grant and those funds will be paid by the end of March.

·         Councillor Wicks asked Councillor Boden whether he will be considering appointing a member who has the empathy and drive to carry out the work required in promoting the military covenant for the Council? Councillor Boden stated that Councillor Tierney was appointed into that position over two years ago and that appointment remains.

·         Councillor Count stated that in his role as a Cambridgeshire County Councillor there is an inexorable march towards congestion charging in the Cambridge City area and he asked Councillor Boden whether he had a view with regard to introducing congestion charging and road pricing in the Cambridge and Greater Cambridge area? Councillor Boden stated that it is a question that he fears will become very relevant in the near future and he feels that the concept that cars will be charged to enter the Cambridge City area will be problematic and discriminate against those Fenland residents who are low paid workers but who have no choice other than to use their cars to enter Cambridge City to get to their workplace. He expressed the opinion that it is a highly retrograde step for the suggestion of congestion charge to be considered to enter the city and other options should be investigated in the first instance. Councillor Boden expressed the view that he sees it as a regressive tax and he finds it astonishing that some individuals who claim to be progressive are advocating a tax which will mean that only the rich will be able to drive into Cambridge City, which he feels is wrong.

·         Councillor Patrick referred to an area of open space in Petts Close in Wisbech where there are a number of trees and as a result there are a large number of leaves, which has been reported to officers and he has been advised that it is not policy to clear the leaves from open spaces and asked Councillor Murphy why this is the case? Councillor Murphy stated that leaf clearance does take place from town centre areas, but in parks and open spaces the leaves are left to mulch down as there are 3,500 trees within the District which would mean tonnes of leaves being collected and nowhere for them to be taken. Councillor Patrick stated that he has spoken to the residents in Petts Close who have cleared the leaves in the past, placed them in the shrubbery where they have not mulched down and therefore he would like the area to be inspected by officers. Councillor Murphy agreed that the area could be looked at.

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh stated that she is very pleased to hear that there is a new officer position being advertised which is due to be funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner Office and as she understands the role will link in with the Community Safety Partnership. As she represents a rural area, she asked Councillor Lynn how the Problem-Solving Coordinator Officer will act in the rural communities, who, in her opinion, already suffer from lower policing numbers? Councillor Lynn stated that the job description for that position is still to be determined and, therefore, once he has further detail, he will report back. Councillor Mrs Bligh stated that she would hope that when the job description is determined that the rural communities will be considered including liaison with the Parish Councils. She added that she is also aware of a £190,000 funding pot that the Police and Crime Commissioner is offering for communities alongside the new role, and she would hope that the Council takes full advantage of the funding opportunity and again considers the rural communities. Councillor Lynn advised that the pot of funding is for emergency response where an initial immediate impact is required. He added that officers are currently in discussion with the Police and Crime Commissioner office with regard to the finer detail for the funding and once that is made clearer, further information will be provided.

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh stated that at the meeting of Full Council in December she had asked whether consideration could be given by the Council for the use of the ‘What Three Words’ app and she asked Councillor Mrs Laws whether there was an update on this. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that this is something that is still being considered and investigated.

·         Councillor Sutton referred to Page 23 of the Portfolio Holder report where it mentions CELP2 in the performance indicators relating to the percentage of householders presenting to the Council as homeless and he questioned Councillor Hoy on the accuracy of the figures provided due to the fact that there is no detail with regard to the baseline or target numbers. Councillor Hoy stated that this is a new performance indicator, which is why there is no baseline or target. She added that it was changed because the old target was how many people presented to housing options and this detail did not prove to be a useful indicator and it was agreed that it would be more helpful to know how many people have received assistance that presented to housing options. Councillor Hoy stated that she agrees that it does appear to be confusing and that it does need to be looked at further.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he notes that within the transport report it provides detail of the Manea Station project and the progress being made, with previous reports always showing that Manea Parish Council were to assume responsibility of Manea Station, however, this report does not mention this and asked Councillor Boden why? Councillor Boden responded that Manea Parish Council have taken the decision not to take on the responsibility of managing the car park and an alternative solution is to be sought. Councillor Sutton stated that he has not seen any detail of the financing of the facility for the next five years in the Mid Term Financial Strategy and Councillor Boden explained that it is his understanding that the necessary finances for the management of the car park for the first few years have already been taken into account.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that previously he has heard that when there are any land sales the local Councillor will be informed, and highlighted that there is some land surplus in Christchurch, and asked Councillor Benney why he has not been notified? Councillor Benney responded that he could not say for certainty that it has been agreed that Ward Members would be informed but he cannot see any reason why they should not be kept updated, and he will take steps to ensure that this happens going forward. He stated that he is aware of the piece of land that Councillor Sutton is referring to and that once he has a meeting with officers to discuss land sales he will advise Councillor Sutton of the details with regards to the method of sale of the piece of land in question.

·         Councillor Sutton expressed the opinion that is very pleasing to see that the Boathouse Business Centre is fully occupied, but there does not appear to be any occupancy figures against the South Fens Business Centre and asked Councillor Benney for transparency and for the figures to be provided. He stated that historically it was under performing and he questioned that if that is still the case should its usage now be reconsidered. Councillor Benney responded that he did not know why the figures had been omitted but is aware that one of the large units and one of the smaller units have been let. He stated that he is not aware of the current occupancy figures, but he can supply these and explained that officers have reviewed the way that the facility is marketed, which has proved to be successful. Councillor Benney expressed the view that with regards for an alternative use of South Fens Business Centre, it is an office space facility, however, he is willing to take suggestions from members as to how office space can be used in an alternative way. Councillor Sutton stated that consideration could be given to a conversion into possible residential usage or split into a business facility combined with residential usage, but he would be happy to discuss this with Councillor Benney at another time. Councillor Benney stated that it is just a clerical error as to why the figure is missing and he will obtain the figure and advise Councillor Sutton, but it is his recollection that the occupancy levels had increased. He added that, in his opinion, South Fens Business Centre is the wrong side of the bypass in order to convert the facility into residential use and to convert it would cause planning concerns as it is not situated in the best location for connectivity to the town of Chatteris.

·         Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Boden to provide an update with regard to Vertical Waste Integration (VWI) and the withdrawal of charging for the brown bin waste collection, which he stated had been referred to previously. Councillor Boden responded that he has not distributed any literature himself where he has promised VWI and, therefore, he is not accountable for any progress on the subject. Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Mrs French if she had any comment to make as he was aware she had made reference to it on social media? Councillor Mrs French stated that the literature being referred to was circulated in the 2019 elections and was something that the Government was looking at to assist taxpayers, but to date nothing has happened further.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he notes from the HPT that there is a short coming of 62 dwellings a year and questioned Councillor Mrs Laws on whether over the 5-year term that will be achievable? Councillor Mrs Laws responded that she has every confidence this will be achieved, Fenland is open for business and the Council is receiving record numbers of planning applications and also build outs. She added that the only problem she can foresee is with developers struggling for materials. Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Mrs Laws for an update with regard to validation timescales?  Councillor Mrs Laws responded that two new members of staff have joined the Technical Support Team and the timeframe has now reduced to just less than a three week period for validation.

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