To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.
This PHB report includes an
update from Freedom Leisure.
Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with
Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:
- Councillor Patrick commended the Leader on his efforts to
encourage the uptake of Covid vaccinations, which is important
given that the Fenland was the only area in the Country with an
enhanced response status. He noted that those who had opted against
the vaccination were 10 times more likely to die which placed an
even greater strain on the NHS and reminded the Council of the new
Omnicron variant which was showing signs of being more
transmissible. Councillor Patrick explained that there was a low
uptake in areas such as Wisbech North and asked what further
actions the Council can take to encourage further people to come
forward and have the vaccinations? Councillor Boden stated that the
Council work in conjunction with the Combined Authority, Director
of Public Health and other national agencies. He explained that it
was important to continue to promote the messages around keeping
safe in order to reduce transmission and that the communications
needed to be hard hitting. Councillor Boden stated that the facts
needed to be right and that they also needed to be careful and bear
in mind that certain individuals cannot be vaccinated for medical
reasons. He noted that the statistic provided by Councillor Patrick
was not inaccurate and that this had been used widely, with the
statistics being even worse when looking at those in intensive
care. Councillor Boden reiterated that it was important for facts
to be presented in an honest and accurate way in order to encourage
more individuals to make rational decisions and the Council would
continue to provide services whilst working in close proximity with
partners and utilising additional funding to continue to promote
the vaccines and boosters. He stated that it was too early to say
much about the Omnicrom variant and that more time was needed to
study it before predictions could be made.
- Councillor Patrick noted that from the social media activity of
some members of the Council it appeared that there were a few
individuals who were against vaccination and asked whether the
Leader could assure him that all members of his Cabinet were fully
supportive and on board with his efforts to encourage people to
vaccinate. Councillor Boden explained that Fenland District Council
did not have responsibility for this area of work and that it was
through his other roles that he had the responsibility. He
explained that it was not a requirement for everyone to have the
same opinion, that individuals should not be discriminated against
based on their opinion and that they needed to push positive
messages and facts rather than discriminating against
non-vaccinated individuals.
- Councillor Wilkes asked for an update on the March to Wisbech
Railway line as progress had seemed to stall. He noted that the
service would be of great use to those with disabilities and would
make Wisbech much more accessible. Councillor Boden replied that
the current position was disappointing for the Council, with the
suggested line still at the provisional stage and the Mayor of the
CPCA advocating a light rail solution, which would only provide a
link to March and would not facilitate transport elsewhere. He
stated that this was disappointing in terms of ambition and that he
had made, and would continue to make, representations to the Mayor
to say that the light rail option does not provide the same benefit
as a fixed heavy rail one. Councillor Boden stated that he would
continue to have discussions to keep the heavy rail option open
rather than only considering a study on the light rail
- Councillor Wilkes asked whether the Council had thought about
putting a case to East Midlands Railway to increase the frequency
that they stop at March Railway Station. He questioned why the
other services passing through March could not stop there as it
would provide a more consistent service with more direct links.
Councillor Boden explained that just because a rail service comes
through the station it does not mean that it would be easy for it
to stop as it was very difficult to alter rail timetables and that
they were worked out well in advance. He explained that services
from Whittlesey, Manea and March all needed to go through Ely North
which causes capacity issues which would not be resolved until the
improvement works take place there. Councillor Boden expressed his
disappointment that the Council were currently being outbid for the
utilisation of the potential extra slots by other established
groups and that the rail line was increasingly being used for
freight creating further capacity issues, explaining that far fewer
trains stop in Whittlesey and Manea and that they wanted to ensure
that trains which do stop in March also stop at these stations.
Councillor Boden made the point that there were constant attempts
to lobby for improved services and that Member of Parliament for
the area had been actively involved with the train companies to
attempt to achieve this. Councillor Seaton supported Councillor
Boden’s point around the difficulty of getting trains to make
extra stops as it affects other trains and services, with there
being several different providers that must integrate with each
other to run smoothly. He noted that there were current
enhancements to the services such as new car parks and improvements
to buildings and that he was aware of the need for rail services
throughout Fenland. Councillor Seaton also explained that the
change of administration at the CPCA had brought a different form
of thinking with the possible solution of a light rail option now
being promoted by the Mayor. He stated that the Council were
interested in the heavy rail option between Wisbech and March as it
brought the possibility of freight as well whereas light rail would
not enable this. Councillor Seaton assured Councillor Wilkes that
the Council was in dialogue with the various service providers and
was pushing for better and more regular services within
- Councillor Mrs Bligh noted that members of the Planning
Committee had to conduct site inspections on their own during Covid
and that some sites were difficult to find. She asked whether it
could be considered using a more futuristic approach for site
visits and use the What Three Words app as it gives precise areas.
Councillor Boden stated that he would take this up with the
Portfolio Holder for Planning stating that they would need to see
what the costs would be for it. Councillor Mrs Bligh informed
Councillor Boden that it was a free app.
- Councillor Booth thanked Councillor Hoy for the information she
provided on the number of long-term empty properties and asked
whether this information could be provided on a regular basis as it
would be useful going forward with 400 houses currently empty and a
waiting list of approximately 1300 according to Clarion. Councillor
Hoy stated that she was happy to provide the figures more regularly
but that just because the homes were being brought back into use it
did not mean that they would be given to someone on the waiting
list as some were privately owned. Councillor Booth accepted that
they may not be used as social housing but noted that it would help
reduce the pressure on the general housing market.
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