Agenda item

106 Cavalry Drive, March.Erect a 2-storey side extension, formation of a pitched roof to existing garage and removal of existing conservatory.

To determine the application.


Alison Hoffman presented the report to members:


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the Agent.


Mrs Jackson stated that the application is for the erection of 2 storey side extension and the formation of a pitched roof above the garage, with the proposal following a previous application for an extension, which have been completed and the previous application also included a pitched roof over the garage, but this aspect had been removed following concerns raised by the officer at the time with regard to it being out of keeping with the area. She stated that the dwelling is not a Listed Building and the site is not within the curtilage or the setting of a Listed Building or a Conservation Area, therefore, there are no strict guidelines governing the site and there is no complete uniformity amongst properties within the area.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the flat roof at the dwelling is in need of replacement, hence the pitched roof application and typically a flat roof would have a 10 -15 year life span and a tiled pitched roof typically is 60 years. She stated that the applicant wishes to invest in his property to ensure it remains a quality property, which he can continue to reside in and the new pitched garage roof will not only function better and result in a higher quality property, but will also be visually appealing and add to the character of the property and these additions outweigh any concerns of the roof not matching the one next door.


Mrs Jackson made the point that that proposal had initially received the officers support, but once further investigative work had been carried out on the planning history of the dwelling, the positive recommendation was changed to the refusal. She stated that there are 12 letters of support from local residents and support from the Town Council and, in her opinion, the formation of the pitched roof on the garage will not appear incongruous and will enhance the character, function and quality of the dwelling, which will benefit the occupiers. 


Members asked Mrs Jackson the following questions:

·         Councillor Sutton referred to Mrs Jackson stating that the life expectancy of a flat roof would be ten years and he asked whether she would agree that there are materials available nowadays for flat roofs where a longer life expectancy would be the case? She stated that she had sought guidance and had been advised that a typical industry standard flat roof would have a 10 -15 year life expectancy, however, a tiled roof would certainly outlive a flat roof in terms of its functionality and performance.

·         Councillor Miscandlon stated that he is aware that the installation of a recent flat roof, has a guarantee of a minimum of 20 years, however, he agreed a pitched roof will last longer. He added that although it is not in a Conservation Area, there are certain criteria within the area which standardise the buildings within that area and he asked Mrs Jackson whether she would agree that the proposal is out of character Mrs Jackson stated that there are other properties which are the same, however, there are bungalows within the street scene and a dwelling with a 2 storey side extension and, in her opinion, the character is not as strict as is made out. Councillor Miscandlon stated that he is not against a pitched roof.


Members asked questions, made comments, and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that there are a mix and match of designs on the Cavalry estate. She added that if the applicant wishes to add a pitched roof to his dwelling, she cannot see any problem with the proposal, and she will be going against the officer’s recommendation and will support the application.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that if you isolated numbers 98 – 108, then the proposal would stand out, but taking the proposal in context of the wider area, it would not be highlighted quite as much. He stated that number 80, a similar designed dwelling, with a similar forward projection, does have a pitched roof and questioned whether the proposal should be looked at in isolation or in a wider perspective.

·         Councillor Benney stated that a pitched roof does have a longer life expectancy, can be insulated well, and negates noise pollution. He added that the bungalow opposite the application site has a pitched roof over its garage and there are other dwellings on the estate that also have pitched roofs. Councillor Benney expressed the opinion that if the proposal is approved, the neighbouring properties may choose to do the same. He expressed the view that when first developed housing estates are all uniform in their design, but in time alterations are made to the individual dwellings, which adds character to the area and this is what the applicant is choosing to do to their property.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis stated that she agrees with the comments made by Councillor Benney and she will be voting against the officer’s recommendation.

·         Councillor Miscandlon stated a pitched roof will enhance the property and will make it individual. He added that he can see other properties deciding to do the same and he will also be voting against the officer’s recommendation.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Benney and agreed that the application be APPROVED against the officer’s recommendation. 


Members did not support the officer’s recommendation of refusal as they feel the proposal makes a positive contribution, is not detrimental to the street scene and does not have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties.


(Councillors Mrs French and Purser registered that they are members of March Town Council, but take no part in planning matters)


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