Agenda item

10 High Street, Chatteris.Change of use and subdivision of retail shop and 3-bed flat to retail shop, hot food takeaway and 3 -bed flat including formation of an additional shop front and installation of external flue and air conditioning unit to rear of takeaway

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Emily Warner, the agent.


Ms Warner stated that the UK High Street has witnessed significant changes in the past decade, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has only served to exacerbate this. She added that the National Planning Policy is clear that planning decisions should support town centres by taking a positive approach to their growth, management and adaptation and she added that town centres should be allowed to diversify in a way that can respond to rapid changes.


Ms Warner explained that the current property at 10 High Street is too large to successfully operate as a newsagents given the national decline in newspaper sales, which means that the current floorspace is much underused and the application responds to the changing needs of Aspinall’s to enable the longstanding business to continue trading from this established location, but in a size much more suited to their needs and the proposal will also enable a hot food takeaway provision to provide some diversification and contribute to the provision of a dynamic town centre, as sought by the Local Plan. She explained that the resulting mix of uses will support both the daytime and night-time economies, will bring additional employment opportunities and will serve to enhance the vitality and viability of the High Street.


Ms Warner referred to the officer’s report, where in September 2020 the Government introduced new legislation to amalgamate some of the current use classes including shops, financial and professional services, offices, restaurants and cafes into a single new Class E, therefore, deregulating changes of use between them, with the overarching aim being to support High Street revival and economic recovery. She added that the property could potentially change in its entirety, without any planning permission, to another non-retail use or for example, a pizza restaurant, and the limitations of the Local Plan in terms of protecting and limiting the uses in the Primary Shopping Frontage are, therefore, superseded and notwithstanding this, this proposal would result in the retention of a retail use and this part of the High Street would remain predominantly in retail use.


Ms Warner explained that the proposals include sympathetic external alterations to the façade of the unlisted building to facilitate the sub-division and stated that a separate advertisement consent for the new signage has already been approved by the authority. She stated that the Council’s Conservation Officer has raised no objection to the proposed alterations, subject to a condition, and confirmed there would be only a neutral impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and no impact on the setting or significance of the adjacent listed buildings.


Ms Warner stated that the application has also been submitted with full details of the flue system for the extraction and dispersal of odorous smells and this will be installed before the use commences and following the submission of a noise assessment which is to be secured by condition. She stated that the Council’s Environmental Health Officer raises no objection on this basis and the applicant is agreeable to the revised operating hours as requested by the Town Council, again which will be secured by condition. 


Ms Warner explained that the Local Highways Authority has raised no objections to the proposal, advising that the trip generation and transport impacts for the existing and proposed uses are comparable and the site is located in the Town Centre which provides the maximum opportunity to make journeys using modes of transport other than the private car. She stated that there is also the ability to park on street and within public car parks within walking distance.


Ms Warner stated that it has been demonstrated that the principle of development is acceptable and that the development would not give rise to any adverse impacts on heritage assets, residential amenity, or the highways network. She advised members that there are no outstanding technical objections and asked the committee to accept the officer’s recommendation and vote to approve the application.


Members asked Ms Warner the following questions:

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he has noted from the officer’s report that the current flat kitchen to the rear of the property is going to become a storage area and there is going to be a kitchen diner where the current diner is. He added that in effect there are two different users of the ground floor and first floor, which could create some noise issues and he asked whether any noise mitigation has been considered, such as an insulated ceiling? Ms Warner stated that the storage area will only be used very infrequently, however, noise mitigation is something that could be looked at. She added it had not been raised as a concern by the Environmental Health Officers.

·         Councillor Benney asked whether Building Control will confirm that the building is fireproof and sufficient sound proofing is in place in accordance with regulations? Nick Harding stated that the introduction of a takeaway constitutes change of use in respect of building regulations and, therefore, there is the expectation that the building regulations application will be forthcoming in order to resolve noise and fire safety issues.


Members asked questions, made comments, and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Murphy stated that over time he has seen the property altered and added that the proposed changes will make for a viable business and he welcomes the application.

·         Councillor Cornwell stated that if there is a market for this type of business in the High Street it should be supported. He added that looking at the site plan, the layout appears to be convoluted and unusual and he is concerned that immediately adjacent to one of the red boundary markers there is something on the plan identified as ‘ruins’ and asked for an explanation of the term in the context of the application. David Rowen stated that he is unaware that any of the operations proposed for the application would materially affect anything. Ms Warner clarified that the word ruins in the context of the application and confirmed that there are no archaeological issues which have been confirmed by the County Council. She added that the word ruins are often noted when there are essentially buildings in ruin form on an earth plan and she added that in that location there is a building which has very much fallen.

·         Councillor Benney stated that the trade of newsagents is a dying trade and the premises do need to find another use. He added Chatteris does not have many empty shops currently thankfully and although it is sad to lose little shops, they are no longer viable and, in his opinion, the application should be supported.


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Sutton, and agreed that the application be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Purser took no part in this item due to the fact that he lost internet connection)

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