Agenda item

Local Plan Update


Gemma Wildman gave the forum an update on the draft Fenland Local Plan. She stated that it was scheduled for consultation in February but due to the Covid pandemic it did not take place and she added that there have been several delays in the process due to Covid including the site assessment and site visits were delayed last year. She added that delays have also been as a result of a second call for sites, which included site assessments and site visits and also last Summer the Government consulted on how the local housing need figure was calculated and as a result there was some uncertainty on what that would mean for Fenland and whether it would result in a significant increase in the housing need figure. She stated that the information was confirmed by Central Government before Christmas that the formula for Fenland would remain the same and the site selection work was able to continue. Gemma Wildman explained that good progress has been made regarding selecting options and picking out sites and the technical work is now taking place to finalise the site assessments and prepare the draft Local Plan.


Gemma Wildman stated that it is still not clear what the actual timetable will be and added that it is hoped that consultation will take place between July to September. She added that the timetable on the website has a link which is updated monthly with the latest information and it is hoped that a report will go to Cabinet in July.


Gemma Wildman referred to an earlier Cabinet Report which set out some of the key issues and updates on the proposal of what the new Local Plan could include. She added that one of the aspects being considered is that there will be a robust buffer to ensure that there is a good supply of land available and to help with delivery. Gemma explained that Broad Concept Plans and Broad Locations for Growth are to be removed and will be replaced with specific and deliverable sites. She added that it was made quite clear in the early stages of consultation when sites were being suggested that existing allocations would not be carried forward and they would have to demonstrate that they were available and deliverable and this has formed part of the assessment work. Gemma explained that the large areas around the edges of the large market towns will not be carried forward, it will only be some of the sites where it can be proved that they are deliverable. She added that settlement boundaries are to be reintroduced and she added that following the consultation it was clear that people wanted the certainty of having settlement boundaries but also some flexibility, which is a hard balance and therefore an infill policy is being looked at with regard to the edges of villages which would be extended to have infill development but wouldn’t be allocations and there would be criteria to find those and one of the main considerations would be flood risk and also how it fits with the character of the village. She stated that it will not be something that every village will have but it is something that is being investigated to introduce. Gemma Wildman stated that replacement dwellings in the countryside has also been reviewed which is something that  the current and national policy allows but quite often it is restrictive as to what size the replacement dwelling can be and looking forward there will not be the same restrictions.


Gemma Wildman explained that a lot has changed because of national policy and guidance and those changes must be implemented.


Councillor Sutton asked for reassurance regarding flood risk when considering the new Local Plan. Gemma Wildman stated that a strategic flood risk assessment will be carried out and the most appropriate sites will be picked, and the aim is to avoid sites in Flood Zone 3. She added that Level 1 is being reviewed currently and she added that she would be very surprised if a level 2 flood risk assessment wasn’t required.


John Maxey stated that it had been mentioned that there would be no automatic carrying forward of large sites and he added that in some places such as Wisbech there is only one flood zone area. Gemma Wildman stated that sites that are in Flood Zone 1 are ruled out and with regard to the assessment process, sites are picked out and then if the housing targets are not met then other criteria is looked at, however flood risk is further down the list in the assessment process and wherever possible areas at risk of flooding are avoided.


Tim Slater asked as to whether the housing needs assessment had been carried out. Gemma Wildman stated that it is being done directly with Cambridgeshire and drafts had recently been received which are currently being commented on and she would hope that it would be published imminently.