Agenda item

Member-led Review Discussion


Councillor Boden stated that as far as Economic Development is concerned, a suggestion was made concerning cooperation with the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk, however this did not meet with general Member approval and therefore the Overview and Scrutiny Committee have been asked to look at the entirety of the Economic Development Service and the resources which are required in order to achieve the objectives of the service.


Councillor Boden said that there are two major questions to answer:


What should the objectives be for the Service and how is the effectiveness of the Service measured and secondly what skills and resources are required to reach those objectives.


Members considered the Economic Development Member Led review presentation given by the Chief Executive which included possible key questions for the Review Team to consider including which Members of Overview and Scrutiny will form the Panel and also a suggested timetable to be considered including a delivery phase.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Booth said that with regard to the timetable, this may well change once the Review Team has met and objectives have been set.

2.    Councillor Boden asked for volunteers for the Member Led Review Team and stated that he anticipates there will be six meetings between September and December 2018.

3.    Councillor Humphrey asked how many Members were required.

4.    Councillor Boden clarified that he would like four Members.

5.    Councillor Humphrey, Councillor Sam Clark, Councillor Tierney, Councillor Booth and Councillor Boden all agreed to form part of the Review Team.

6.    Councillor Boden stated that with regard to the question as to whether Officer support would be required, he confirmed that yes, there would be a requirement for Officer support.

7.    Councillor Booth commented that the Chief Executive had suggested that members of the existing ED team should support the review, however to obtain an independent view, whether the support the review team should have an independent support officer. Councillor Boden stated that the question is a valid point and the answer would depend on the quality of the input of the Members. The Officers will be there to give support to Members and  would not influence Members decisions.

8.    Councillor Boden stated that the Review Team, will be very grateful of any support received from Officers.

9.    Councillor Boden commented that with regard to inviting External Stakeholders  to give evidence, Members have already discussed this matter and have agreed that the Review Team would like to question Officers,  as they have the in depth knowledge will be helpful to Members to ascertain the current position. With regard to local business leaders, it will helpful to have both large and small business representatives. Representatives from the Farming and Associated Industries should also be invited, given the importance of farming and distribution, it is important to be able for that sector to voice their opinions. The final area to be considered is also the tourism work that is carried out. 

10.Councillor Boden stated that he has already asked the Deputy Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, Anne Bailey to come to the Member Led Review Team to give evidence as to what actions East Cambridgeshire have done with regard to commercialisation of their own portfolio and also the setting up of trading companies and the income generation work that they have carried out in their area.

11.Councillor Booth commented that although East Cambridgeshire have been asked, it maybe worth also considering the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk as it was the intended shared ED partner, which was agreed.

12.Councillor Booth stated that with regard to tourism, should a broader sector of the economy be considered, as 80% of the economy is driven by the service sector and tourism is a sub sector, so we need to be mindful of having the correct representation.

13.Councillor Booth stated that representatives of Members of the Public should also be invited to give their views and opinions.

14.Councillor Boden said that with regard to asking for the public’s views it can be very useful to seek their opinions and would suggest a press release.

15.Councillor Boden stated that consideration should also be given to other Councillors, particularly the Growth Portfolio Holder, to have an input will also be useful.

16.Councillor Boden stated that with regard to the Service sector comment, he highlighted Tourism as this has often been separated and is most certainly part of the economy.

17.Councillor Booth stated that an additional stakeholder to be considered would be the Combined Authority, to ascertain their viewpoint.

18.The Chief Executive commented that in addition it maybe worth considering the work of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic Commission and inviting a representative.

19.Councillor Boden asked Members to consider whether interim resources are required for Economic Development up to the Review delivery phase in Mid 2019. Councillor Boden commented that in his opinion he believed this was outside the remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and he feels that the decision should be made by the Cabinet.

20.Councillor Booth commented that at the Cabinet meeting it was raised that an interim resource was not to be implemented.

21.Councillor Seaton commented that it is important to see results from the Committee before additional resource is considered.

22.Councillor Boden commented that he would be interested to find out an estimate of the what the financial effect for the Authority would be if a new factory or hotel came to the area to see what impact it would have on the Authorities revenue as an impact of NNDR sharing.

23.Gary Garford commented that this information was in the Cabinet report and it showed a matrix of what effect a small supermarket or a small factory would have. Councillor Boden agreed to discuss this with Gary Garford following the meeting.

24.Councillor Boden stated that the Combined Authority have provided £150,000, for the development of economic masterplans for the three Growing Fenland market Towns reports and therefore it is imperative to work in combination with this project. The three towns will come up with suggestions and ideas based on what it appropriate and there must be some joined up working in terms of decision making.

25.Councillor Booth commented it would be useful and helpful to Members to be given information on what legislation and what powers are available. Councillor Booth asked whether the rates can be ‘flexed’ locally.  Councillor Boden asked whether there was a particular piece of legislation that Councillor Booth was referring to. Councillor Booth commented that he is unsure what powers and legislation is available for Councillors to be able to take action on that will assist the Member led Review Group.

26.Councillor Boden stated that although rates cannot be flexed there are supplements which are possible, but the NNDR is fixed but in certain areas it can be increased in various ways.

27.The Chief Executive commented that if it would be helpful for the Member Led Review Team, clarification could be provided on the discretion the council has around small business rate relief and if that discretion is applied and to what extent and what basis it has on the Councils revenue.

28.Councillor Booth commented that another example to be considered are Enterprise Zones which have been discussed previously with regard to a number of companies moving out of this area to Enterprise Zones. Councillor Boden agreed that Lancaster Way Enterprise Zone has worked very well in Ely, and to receive information and evidence about them will be very helpful.

29.The Chief Executive  commented that the Government’s commitment to Enterprise Zones appears to be waning, however if it is believed that the concept of an Enterprise Zone may be beneficial locally there is nothing  to prevent you from using local discretion. If the review team thought setting up a zone or zones as a possible outcome, for businesses to relocate to, from other parts of the district to gain benefit from the five year NNDR holiday period.

30.Councillor Boden commented that with regard to how the Council can shape economic development and the regeneration of Fenland there are a couple of questions that can be asked including the relationship between economic development and planning with regard to the potential revision of the local plan and secondly what the Council can put in place to achieve economic development and a financial return to the Council.

31.Councillor Boden commented that with regard to level of resource for the Economic Development Team, will be dependent on the outcome of the results.

32.Councillor Boden commented that with regard to the aims and objectives and terms of reference, the suggestion has been made that the Member Led Review will report back informally to the Committee to say what they have not been able to consider in conjunction with Officer’s advice.

33.Councillor Booth commented that there has been the Partnership opportunity with Peterborough and it maybe useful to obtain a summary of the Services that they have been delivering for Fenland. The Chief Executive stated that this can be provided for the Review Group.

34.Councillor Boden asked Members whether they had all received a copy of the Fenland Economic Development Strategy 2012 -2031.Councillor Boden asked for this to be circulated to all Members of the Committee.

35.The Chief Executive asked whether it would be helpful to have the interim findings of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic review. The final report will actually be circulated in September which will be timely for the Member Led Review Team meet. Councillor Boden asked for this to be circulated.

36.Councillor Boden asked Members whether they were in agreement that Councillor Mason should be invited to attend the review meetings, so that he can have an input and also for the review team to question him about his ideas. This suggestion was supported.